Defining abbreviations that are nested, e.g. BCD and A-BCD gives Maruku some trouble.
ABC-D style abbreviations does not seem to cause trouble, though.
### About BCD and A-BCD
*[BCD]: Bee Cee Dee definition
*[A-BCD]: Another Bee Cee Dee definition
On Ruby 1.8.7 it produces:
<h3>About <abbr title='Bee Cee Dee definition'>BCD</abbr> and
<abbr title='Another Bee Cee Dee definition'>A-BCD</abbr></h3>
<p>A-<abbr title='Bee Cee Dee definition'>BCD</abbr></p>
Whereas on a Ruby 1.8.6 installation it produces a different result:
<h3>About <abbr title='Bee Cee Dee definition'>BCD</abbr> and
<abbr title='Another Bee Cee Dee definition'>A-</abbr></h3>
<p><abbr title='Another Bee Cee Dee definition'>A-</abbr></p>
Defining abbreviations that are nested, e.g. BCD and A-BCD gives Maruku some trouble. ABC-D style abbreviations does not seem to cause trouble, though.
On Ruby 1.8.7 it produces:
Whereas on a Ruby 1.8.6 installation it produces a different result: