bholloway / resolve-url-loader

Webpack loader that resolves relative paths in url() statements based on the original source file
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[Feature Request/Discussion] Add Option To Disable Exhaustive Search of Source Dirs if Path Can't Be Resolved Relatively #69

Closed mvastola closed 6 years ago

mvastola commented 6 years ago

Per the

Usually the asset is found relative to the original source file O(1). However in some cases there is no immediate match (cough bootstrap cough) and we so we start searching both deeper and shallower from the starting directory O(n).

exhaustive searching of source directories is done as a workaround to accommodate bootstrap (and other modules?) which do not specify asset paths correctly.

This workaround, however, has a few shortcomings, one of which is it adds to compute/compile time. Additionally the for sass-loader states there is an alternate solution to the bootstrap issue:

Library authors usually provide a variable to modify the asset path. bootstrap-sass for example has an $icon-font-path. Check out this working bootstrap example.

A more problematic shortcoming was just identified for those users who use this module in conjunction with rails apps via the webpacker gem and yarn. See rails/webpacker#932.

In light of this, I was hoping to begin a discussion/inquiry into whether a PR would be accepted that added the capability to disable exhaustive searching, or if there were some other means of assuaging the concerns raised in rails/webpacker#932.

Thanks a ton! Mike Vastola

bholloway commented 6 years ago

@mvastola That sounds like a good idea. I am certainly open to features that are opt-in.

I have a feature branch where I have refactored in order to support postcss and other engines in future releases. I would really like to do anything new against that as it is pretty much ready to go.

Plus if you test it then that means I owe you.... which brings us to your feature :wink:

It sounds like you want some strict or immediate (or name?) flag that inhibits searching, or some attempts integer that limits the amount of searching.

You will see that the value-processor.js calls the find-file.js which works through a queue of candidates.

We need to tread carefully in this file. Any change to the search routine has historically lead to regressions. However now that we are discussing it, i can see there is probably some stuff I can clean up around the edges.

At first glance my thinking...

cleanup (for me)

feature (for you if you want credit, else for me)

Let me know your thoughts on this.

mvastola commented 6 years ago

Some answers to your questions:

bholloway commented 6 years ago

"There shouldn't be any 'searching' at all per-se"

Yes good point... So we just assume the file is where we expect and not even validate its presence.

Casting my mind back, the search was simply to work around bootstrap (at the time). Hence the comment.

Maybe we just go naive mode and rewrite. If Webpack cannot find the file it will tell us either way.

My only concern is where there is a url() that is not a file. We have always ignored data: prefix, and recently we have started ignoring https?: prefix. But is that enough? The value might actually be a relative or root-relative URL in the final deployment.... Hmmm I will think on it.

mvastola commented 6 years ago

Well by no 'searching' I more meant there would be no Indiscriminate checking of all directories in a hierarchy. As I detailed, there will be a few explicit paths to check, and if the path is located relative to a file in the stack, the path should be replaced so that the url points to the image/font asset are relative to the css entry file. Or am I missing something?

I wouldn't call this naive at all. If anything, it's the right way to go about it because url paths are supposed to be relative to the css file inherently. The bootstrap thing was probably a necessary workaround, but you might even find that this change makes for a good default. (That is beyond what I'm asking for, however.)

mvastola commented 6 years ago

So doing a bit more research, and thinking about this more, I want to amend what I said slightly. I don't think it makes sense (or is intuitive, or easily doable) to check for assets relative to the path of every stylesheet on the stack of @imports. I think only the entry file and the top of the stack should be checked (with the latter given priority).

It looks like right here you determine the directory of the entry file, and path.dirname(declaration.position.source) would (from what I gather) give you the directory of the file with the url() directive. So those would be the two candidates. Then it's just a matter of testing if the latter exists and, if not, deferring to the former, if I'm not mistaken.

bholloway commented 6 years ago

@mvastola I am playing with an attempts option, that you would set to 1. This will still validate the file is present and do nothing if it is not found. However it won't search further.

Whether the loader should just naively rewrite the URL (without testing) is a secondary. Hopefully we can avoid that for your use case. I will let you know when there is something you can try.

I have narrowly caught some refactor errors on the rewrite branch, which I am basing this work off. Therefore, even if you test this code, it will probably be in the next major release and be 2.0.0-rc prerelease version, until I can get some tests written. How would that sit with you?

mvastola commented 6 years ago

Almost forgot about this comment.

I have narrowly caught some refactor errors on the rewrite branch, which I am basing this work off. Therefore, even if you test this code, it will probably be in the next major release and be 2.0.0-rc prerelease version, until I can get some tests written. How would that sit with you?

I mean we certainly appreciate the work you're giving this, and if you're refactoring/rewriting your code, I understand you not wanting to have to backport this fix (I don't know how easy this would be in any case, and presumably this is unknowable until the fix against the rewrite branch is finished.)

I have no authority to make the call as to when exactly webpacker will start to use a different version constraint with regard to resolve-url-loader. I imagine (though I may stand corrected), as with any upgrade, it will depend on a number of things:

In any case, this is really a question for @jeremy and @gauravtiwari and above my pay grade (to the extent that that phrase has any meaning in conjunction with FOSS).

bholloway commented 6 years ago

Published as 2.2.0

bholloway commented 6 years ago

@mvastola Let me know any problems and I will reopen.

I leave it to you to continue being the interface with rails webpacker, feel free to tag me in that discussion. I will consider what we are doing with 3.0.0 and tag you on those PRs if I think it is interesting.

mvastola commented 6 years ago

Thanks so much! Making the PR for webpacker now.

mvastola commented 6 years ago

@bholloway PR is rails/webpacker#980, FYI.

mvastola commented 6 years ago

.. and it's merged!