bholloway / resolve-url-loader

Webpack loader that resolves relative paths in url() statements based on the original source file
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any way to remove sourcemap? #76

Closed waic0083 closed 5 years ago

waic0083 commented 6 years ago

This plugin requires sourcemap, but I think sourcemap is just use for developing or testing. How can I remove sourcemap on production ?

bholloway commented 6 years ago

Source map is just for the loaders before this one. For example the sass loader.

This loader needs to know where the scss was in order to find the asset files.

bs-thomas commented 6 years ago

@bholloway Sorry hope you don't mind me kicking in. For production use, including the sourcemap sounds a bit odd I was just thinking. Do you have any advice on this? I don't want other people to start inspecting our sources on a production website.

Thanks in advance!

bholloway commented 5 years ago

Please refer to #97. Version 3 has a test directory containing a number of sample webpack configurations used for automated testing. I believe this demonstrates production without source-maps.

bholloway commented 5 years ago

We have a new version 3.0.0. There is an example of webpack 4 without sourcemap. As such I am closing this issue.

Please open a fresh issue for any ongoing problems and link to this one as needed.

I'm not opposed to reopening this issue but certainly lets talk with respect to the new version.