bhoriuchi / passport-activedirectory

Active Directory strategy for passport.js
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SSL Verify with custom CA certs #10

Closed sud0nick closed 4 years ago

sud0nick commented 4 years ago

I'm using passport-activedirectory inside a docker container and binding to a domain controller that has certs from an in-house CA. I keep getting UNABLE_TO_GET_LOCAL_ISSUER_CERTIFICATE when a user tries to log in. The CA chain exists on the docker host at /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle and I've also tried adding them directly to the container using a volume. Could you tell me where this module is looking for CA certs so I can place them in the proper directory?

bhoriuchi commented 4 years ago

this module uses the ActiveDirectory module which itself uses the ldapjs module. In the documentation there you should set the "tlsOptions". I have not tested this but it should potentially look like

passport.Use(new ActiveDirectoryStrategy({
  ldap: {
    // ... normal ldap settings
    tlsOptions: {
      ca: [fs.readFileSync('path-to-ca-cert.pem')]
sud0nick commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the quick response! I'll give that a shot tomorrow and let you know how it goes.

sud0nick commented 4 years ago

This worked perfectly! Thank you very much!