bhoskins / Homework

Homework assignments for Iron Yard School of Coding
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Responsive form #7

Closed jacobthemyth closed 9 years ago

jacobthemyth commented 9 years ago



This assignment serves to reinforce HTML forms and relevant tags, form attributes, CSS layouts and techniques, as well as transitions.


After completing this assignment, you should be able to create a responsive layout in HTML and CSS from scratch.

Performance Objectives

After completing this assignment, you should be able to effectively:

Recreate the following layout in HTML and CSS:


Notes go here...

Additional Resources

bhoskins commented 9 years ago

Form is on it's way. For some reason it took me a while to get the media query thing and neat, but finally did. Have some ideas for animations and styling and hope to try them this weekend.

bhoskins commented 9 years ago