bhrott / react-native-masked-text

A pure javascript masked text and input text component for React-Native.
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change mask after N characters on the text input field #84

Open jgfidelis opened 6 years ago

jgfidelis commented 6 years ago

Hi, we want to do the following:

So until 11 digits it would appear like: "(19) 99374-0311" and after typing one more number, up until 15 digits it would appear as "199937403113". Does any one do this successfully? We are having some problems? Can someone provide a brief code snippet?

If this is helpful, here is what we have today:

            onChangeText={this.handleChange.bind(this, 'phone',}
arielwb commented 6 years ago

I have a very similar use case, I want to be able to change from cpf to cnpj based on the length of the input. I'm using the checkText prop to do so, but then I always loose the last char. I believe this happens because the component does not pass the changes if the input is invalid (onChangeText is called with the last valid input). Any help on this?

WeslleyNasRocha commented 6 years ago

The way i did was using the checkText with the next.lenght

    refInput={ref => (this.documento = ref)}
    type={this.state.selectedCnpj ? 'cnpj' : 'cpf'}
    onChangeText={documento => this.setState({ documento })}
    placeholder="cpf ou cnpj"
    onSubmitEditing={() => this.validateDocumento()}
    checkText={(previous, next) => {
        this.setState({ selectedCnpj: next.length > 14 });
        return true;
samuelrvg commented 5 years ago

I have the same problem, example: (00) 0000-0000 / (00) 00000-0000

WeslleyNasRocha commented 5 years ago

@samuelrvg i don't get it, whats wrong?

The docs say how to do the cel-phone filter:

cel-phone: use the mask (99) 9999-9999 or (99) 99999-9999 (changing automaticaly by length). It accepts options (see later in this doc).

For type={'cel-phone'}

options={...} withDDD (Boolean, default true): if the ddd will be include in the mask. dddMask (String, default '(99) '): the default mask applied if withDDD is true.

samuelrvg commented 5 years ago

is not changing automatically.

condini-mastheus commented 5 years ago

Same behavior here.

I'm using version: 1.9.1 import { TextInputMask } from 'react-native-masked-text'

<TextInputMask placeholder="Phone" onChangeText={text => this.handleOnChangeText({ phone: text })} type="cel-phone" keyboardType="phone-pad" value={phone} />

The phone mask still (99) 9999-9999, don't let any other character be typed.

leonardofalk commented 5 years ago

Applying custom mask upon change should do the trick

This is an example for CPF/CNPJ field:

import { TextInputMask } from 'react-native-masked-text'
import { validateCnpj } from 'react-native-masked-text/dist/lib/masks/cnpj.mask'
import { validateCPF } from 'react-native-masked-text/dist/lib/masks/cpf.mask'


render() {
  const { inscricao, inscricao_type } = this.state

  return (
          mask: inscricao_type === 'cpf' ? '999.999.999-99*' : '99.999.999/9999-99',
          validator: value => {
          return validateCnpj(value) || validateCPF(value)
        placeholder="Inserir seu CPF ou CNPJ"
        style={{ textAlign: 'center', fontSize: 24 }}
        onChangeText={text =>
            inscricao: text,
            inscricao_type: text.length > 14 ? 'cnpj' : 'cpf',

One caveat is that the first mask should accept an extra character in the end (hence the additional * in CPF mask), to avoid errors a validator must be added to the options prop.

cpf cnpj example

mateus4k commented 4 years ago

Thanks, @leonardofalk!!! :smile::+1:

LuisHenriqSilva commented 3 years ago

very nice tricks, thanks @leonardofalk !!!!