For MP bombable, it would be very helpful to create a screen similar to the MP pilot's list in FG.
It would show several important things for each MP pilot:
Bombable version
FG version
Key Bombable settings, basically anything that would affect 'fairness' of MP dogfighting, such as:
Weapon realism setting
Excessive acceleration/speed damages a/c setting
What the accel & speed damage limits are
More complex, you could give some kind of checksum or hash for the a/c directory and the bombable file. This could help ensure that everyone is playing with a certain version of Bombable (that hasn't been tampered with, etc), a certain version of a certain a/c, etc.
This could get fairly involved if people are really interested in guaranteeing fairness, but even in a friendly mp contest, it's helpful to see the basics, like which Bombable version each person is using, and what the basic weapons & a/c settings are. If one pilot can pull 15G without generating damage and the other person can only pull 4G, it's not really a fair fight.
For MP bombable, it would be very helpful to create a screen similar to the MP pilot's list in FG.
It would show several important things for each MP pilot:
This could get fairly involved if people are really interested in guaranteeing fairness, but even in a friendly mp contest, it's helpful to see the basics, like which Bombable version each person is using, and what the basic weapons & a/c settings are. If one pilot can pull 15G without generating damage and the other person can only pull 4G, it's not really a fair fight.