bhunt2 / QC1.0

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Change in Build Environment #11

Closed sabmah closed 8 years ago

sabmah commented 8 years ago

There were lot of errors and problems using Node JS on Intel XDK. We couldn't install any packages using their package manager "npm". So, we decided to stick with Arduino (Java) or Visual studio's Arduino Extension for Edison.

bhunt2 commented 8 years ago

so you are moving away from node.js then?

bhunt2 commented 8 years ago

I am really unclear as to why you had issues with this when node.js is the default for the Edison and the XDK is designed for it.

sabmah commented 8 years ago

Yea, We had errors trying to download packages via npm. We got frustrated eventually knowing that it was designed for XDK and couldn't even download the packages.

Kekahuna commented 8 years ago

In addition to the package errors, we didn't find out until later that Intel XDK does not allow you to import your node.js project if it contains C or C++ code. This was a deal breaker since much of the community support for OpenCV is written in C++.

bhunt2 commented 8 years ago

OK, but I do believe you will have more work ahead of you trying to use an arduino based IDE. If nothing else, you could code and build right on the Edison itself. I did do a quick search and found a variety of projects in which people are using node.js an OpenCV on Edison where they used npm to do it. One person stated that they were able to get it working by installing OpenCV first, then they installed the node.js packages. Just because the community support is as available for your circumstances, doesn't mean it isn't the right path to take. I personally don't think like others do, so I often forge my own path. I hope you guys figure this out soon.