bhunt2 / QC1.0

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Visual C++ for linux development #18

Closed sabmah closed 8 years ago

sabmah commented 8 years ago

I was wondering what do you guys @bhunt2 @spesialstyrker think about this. Just recently released. It also supports IoT devices.

ghost commented 8 years ago

I think what ever you can run on the Edison that is easiest for you to set up is the best way to go. Keep in mind with a graphical IDE like that if the Edison is fast enough to run it you will need to set up SSH for X forwarding so you can view the GUI on your computer that is connected remotely to the Edison.

My personal preference would be to just SSH in to Edison and use a text editor / GCC / GDB for writing, building, and running code on it.

bhunt2 commented 8 years ago

@sabmah I concur with Michael. I prefer that you guys move away from the IDEs and use a text editor. Under the circumstances it would be the easiest for everyone to learn and the most fool proof method of development as you would be working directly on the Edison.

I believe that you said that you are a computer engineering major, therefore you should have some experience with a Linux development and debug environment. I am certain Michael would be willing to meet with you guys and get things setup. He can work with you to help you feel comfortable in that environment. It's really not difficult, just different.