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Small Java Core Application - Employee Management #15

Open nmnp opened 8 years ago

nmnp commented 8 years ago

The application should have the following features:

  1. Application will have two users: a. admin user b. normal user
  2. Admin user will have option to add/delete user
  3. Normal user can view/search employee
  4. admin user will be generated by the system by default
  5. admin user will add normal user

Entities: User: id [primary key], username [unique key], password, isTerminated Employee: Extends user, fullname, department, address, role['admin','user'] Hint: employee role should be implemented thru Enum

Controllers: EmployeeController LoginController

Functionalities: Admin User

  1. can add/delete/terminate user
  2. can view/search other employees: search by fullname, department, address. If not provided any value system will search and display all the employees
  3. delete user on the basis of fullname. If the full name matched then user will be delete from the system.
  4. terminate the user on the basis of fullname.

Functionalities: Normal User

  1. can view/search other employees: search by fullname, department, address. If not provided any value system will search and display all the employees
  2. edit their own information: selects which fields to edit and enter the value for respective field.

Both admin and normal user access the functionalities once they logged in otherwise they cannot do anything.

Login check for valid username, password and user is not terminated.

bipenc commented 8 years ago

Hi @NareshMaharzan @bhuwang ,

I am a bit confused in #4

  1. admin user will be generated by the system by default

does this mean we will have only one admin user? :)

Also, which user can add/update employees?

bhuwang commented 8 years ago

@bipenc The only thing is that to enter into the application you should have a user registered into the system. So this will be the default admin user. This admin user can create admin and the normal user later on.