bianjingshan / MOT-deepsort

Refer to DeepSort, I just disable the feature match function, so this project does not neet any deep leaning library.
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is the project just do draw the line according to the object detection file??? #2

Open Vincent630 opened 5 years ago

Vincent630 commented 5 years ago

as you say that you disabled the feature matching function,i have read your code and as my understanding you just draw the bbox according the det.txt file which is just from the detection result. can you tell me some details about this problem? i will appreciate it.

bianjingshan commented 2 years ago

deepsort is used calculate the target trajectory and judge whether the detection target in the frame sequence is the same target, deepsort should connect after detect functions. the det.txt and draw functions are just demo, Because there is no detection algorithm in this project.