biati-digital / nova-text-tools

Swiss Army knife for text manipulation and selection Sort, Transform, Filter, Delete Duplicates, Encode, Decode and much more...
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Add tool to select all occurrences from current selections #14

Open reykjalin opened 2 years ago

reykjalin commented 2 years ago

Is there a way that a tool could be added to allow selecting all occurrences from the current selections? Basically the same as "Select All Occurrences", but from the current selections instead.

So, for example, with the following text:

abc abc abc abc
    ^         ^

Running a select all occurrences from current selections with abc would result in the following selections:

abc abc abc abc
    ^ ^ ' ' * *  <-- selection range pairs

Too illustrate with screenshots:

Initial selection Selections after running tool with abc
image image

When multiple selections are active before running the tool, it would select everything from each selection:

Initial selections Selections after running tool with abc
image image

This would be extremely useful when changing occurrences of something in a very narrow section of the file instead of selecting everything in the file.

biati-digital commented 2 years ago

Hi, yes that's possible, i'll mark this as a feature request and see if other users are interested on this feature.