biati-digital / nova-text-tools

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Consider adding aliases commands for identifier case conventions? #15

Closed guillaumealgis closed 1 year ago

guillaumealgis commented 1 year ago

I was searching for the command to transform some text to some-text, after testing a few names I had in mind, I had to pull up my browser and open this repo's README to find out that the command is named "Make param case".

I don't find the name to be super obvious (but that maybe just me). Would you be open to adding commands with alternative names for common naming conventions ?

For example Wikipedia lists the following conventions and names:

Formatting Name(s)
twowords flatcase
twoWords (lower) camelCase, dromedaryCase
TwoWords PascalCase, UpperCamelCase, StudlyCase
two_words snake_case, pothole_case
two_Words camel_Snake_Case
Two_Words Pascal_Snake_Case, Title_Case
two-words kebab-case, dash-case, lisp-case, spinal-case
Two-Words Train-Case, HTTP-Header-Case

I'm not advocating to add all names, but maybe a few (popular) options would be a win?

I'm aware that it could also cause confusion if too many commands have the same effect, but I think it's worth considering.

biati-digital commented 1 year ago

Hi, Sure, i'm open to rename some commands, specially the param case command (did you search for kebab case before checking the readme?)

I do not like the idea of creating aliases, as you mention, it can cause confusion but for a couple of commands i think it's ok, at least for some time, if the Nova API improves and allows some keywords in the commands to improve search results or until people get used to the new names.

The following are not handled by this extension yet but should be really easy to implement:

Let me know what you think.