bibendovsky / bstone

Unofficial source port for Blake Stone series
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[feature request] Option to control strafe speeds (and moving speeds as well). #444

Open CortexReaver opened 1 year ago

CortexReaver commented 1 year ago

It's a bit fast, in my opinion. Probably it was like that in original game, but sometimes it can get annoying.

bibendovsky commented 1 year ago

There is "Always Run" (Game Options -> Switches) option to double a moving, strafing and turning speed. Did you mean fine-grained control?

CortexReaver commented 1 year ago

Game Options -> Switches

Didn't notice that. But I mean something like a parameter for each direction, like in Half-life where you have "sv_forwardspeed", "sv_sidespeed" and "sv_backspeed". But I think "back" and "front" can be combined in one in our case: so there is be like only "Y-speed" and "X-speed" (from top-down perspective) with a slider for each of two in options.