bibendovsky / bstone

Unofficial source port for Blake Stone series
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Informants Die Upon Reloading a QuickSave #467

Closed sudobbq closed 5 months ago

sudobbq commented 5 months ago

Statement: Pretty much as the title says, when I quick-load from my save, informants start dying within the first couple seconds. The issue does not go away when relaunching the source port.

I'm on level 3 of AOG, using your latest build: "1_2_13-wip-ab48190e501ba7f9617ae6200fac07c1f375ea02". I'm playing on the hardest difficulty. I'm using the AOG files from retail v2.1. Issue persists no matter what renderer I use, either full screen or windowed, as well.

Here is my save file.

jpmn4ayv commented 5 months ago

Tried this on my PC using the save file from sudobbq's post and got the same issue. Immediately on loading the game, it says in the status screen that I killed an informant without firing a shot.

bibendovsky commented 5 months ago

Fixed binaries: