bibendovsky / bstone

Unofficial source port for Blake Stone series
296 stars 34 forks source link

A GREAT BIG THANK YOU and a little itty bitty feature request #498

Open desert-bard opened 2 months ago

desert-bard commented 2 months ago

Oh my god I am so glad I found this program FINALLY I CAN CIRCLE STRAFE thank you thank you thank you! Game looks a lot better, sounds a lot better, great job!

If you're still doing this it would be great if you could add mouse movement into the controls, right now when I set a control I can only add the mouse buttons and control wheel, it doesn't see mouse movement. I'm using a PS4 controller with anitmicrox and if you set movement to the mouse it lets you control the mouse speed and you can speed up/slow down each axis independently to get that 'just right' setting.

Thanks again!

bibendovsky commented 2 months ago

I'll keep that in mind for next version as a preparation for handling a joystick or game controller (#76).