bibigone /

K4A.Net - Three-in-one .NET library to work with Azure Kinect devices (also known as Kinect for Azure, K4A, Kinect v4). It includes sensor API, recording and playback API, body tracking API. Samples for WPF, .NET Core and Unity are included.
MIT License
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Record/Playback Point Clouds in Unity #34

Closed kowac closed 2 years ago

kowac commented 3 years ago

Hey there,

This is probably more a question than an actual issue: I have previously used the Microsoft Azure Kinect Sensor SDK C# wrappers to visualize point cloud data in Unity but it does not include some classes regarding playback and capture afaik. As a novice in C# and Unity: Is it possible to use the already incorporated recording and playback functions (Record API - k4arecord.dll) within Unity? If so, can someone give me a hint for a good starting point? Or am I better off writing such a feature from scratch as the usage is not intended for Unity?

Best regards