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How to add a custom ViewModifier in SwiftUI #27

Open bibin-jaimon opened 1 month ago

bibin-jaimon commented 1 month ago


struct MaxFrameModifier: ViewModifier {

    let alignment: Alignment

    init(alignment: Alignment = .top) {
        self.alignment = alignment

    func body(content: Content) -> some View {
            .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity, alignment: alignment)

extension View {
    func useMaxFrame() -> some View {

Usage of useMaxFrame()

VStack {
    Text("Hello useMaxFrame")
VStack {
    Text("Hello useMaxFrame")
vinaykumar0339 commented 1 month ago

@bibin-jaimon we can add a property to useMaxFrame modifier to customize the usage of alignment propery by modifying the extension of the view

extension View {
    func useMaxFrame(alignment: Alignment = .top) -> some View {
        self.modifier(MaxFrameModifier(alignment: alignment))


VStack {
    Text("Hello useMaxFrame")

VStack {
    Text("Hello useMaxFrame")
.useMaxFrame(alignment: .bottom)