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[SKO1-SKJ] Jakie zjawiska wystąpią, gdy w sieci Ethernet zamienimy koncentrator (hub) na przełącznik (switch) pracujący w trybie store-and-forward ? #53

Closed antiffat closed 6 months ago

antiffat commented 7 months ago

Source backing up the changes 🔍

What phenomena will occur when we convert the concentrator (hub) into a store-and-forward switch in the Ethernet network?

should be first, 3rd and 4th options, however, in past it there was selected 2nd and 3rd in where 2nd is definitely wrong.

Justification: 1st correct because: In a store-and-forward switch, each Ethernet frame is received in its entirety, checked for errors, and then forwarded to the appropriate port. This process adds a small amount of delay compared to a hub, which simply repeats the electrical signal to all ports without examining the frame. The delay is due to the time needed for the switch to process and forward the frame.

2nd wrong becasue: The maximum cable lengths are generally determined by Ethernet standards and are not significantly impacted by the type of device used (hub or switch).

3rd correct.

4th also correct because: Switches can increase the bisectional (or aggregate) bandwidth of a network. Since each switch port is a separate collision domain, multiple pairs of devices can communicate simultaneously without interfering with each other.

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bibixx commented 7 months ago

Based on GPT-4, the 1st answer is incorrect CleanShot 2024-02-08 at 23 07 31@2x