bible-technology / scripture-burrito

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Fix ajv Validation #260

Closed jag3773 closed 3 years ago

jag3773 commented 3 years ago

In the example repos, please fix the ajv validation.

jtauber commented 3 years ago

After some investigation, the issue is that ajv 7.0.0 (we're now on 8.3.0) introduced strict mode.

There seems to be (at least) two things failing:

  1. use of the unknown keyword $$target
  2. use of the unknown forrmat date-time

Both of which I've been investigating (although I can get validation to pass by turning off strict mode, this is suboptimal).

jtauber commented 3 years ago

Turns out $$target is a Sphinx extension.

jag3773 commented 3 years ago

May have to do with our sphinx json-schema documentation plugin, right?

jtauber commented 3 years ago

Yes. I'm working on making $$target allowable without relaxing any other strict checks.

jtauber commented 3 years ago

I had to make substantial changes to the schemas to get them to pass in strict mode.

I suspect there were a lot of changes to the schema language itself and things were silently failing before.