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Scripture Burrito Schema & Docs 🌯
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USFM/USX: Describe Differences #47

Closed jag3773 closed 5 years ago

jag3773 commented 5 years ago

The current suggestion is that we "have USFM in source section and USX in the publications section."

We, or a sub-committee, should work out where/when these formats are used.

mvahowe commented 5 years ago

For me, almost the only question is "What will Paratext do next?" @jonathanrobie has mentioned the real possibility that PT will refactor to use USX rather than USFM internally. If that's on the radar then, together with DBL, USX would be the format for 98+% of all existing projects, and I can't see how SB wouldn't recognise that.

If, on the other hand, PT sticks to USFM, I think we can justify

The USFM and/or USX would appear in different places in the ingredients list ("source" and "release" if we follow current DBL behaviour.)

I would say, again, that publishing a specification that allows either USFM or USX in any location is problematic because

So I'd argue for picking one format and then providing 2-way conversion libraries in a variety of libraries. And I'd argue for USX because of XML validation, multiple universally-available tools for manipulating XML and so on.

joelthe1 commented 5 years ago

I do not know if and when PT plans to make this change. I maybe biased, but I think USFM should be the format we base things off of and not have both but allow an scripture SB to be easily converted USFM<->USX. Also, we would not be validating content right? So no reason to favor USX over USFM for that.

mvahowe commented 5 years ago

I think we absolutely should support the validation of content. I saw what USX produced by Paratext looked like inside DBL before schema and other checks were made mandatory, and it was not pretty. I'm not sure that Scripture Burrito is going to be very useful to anyone unless they can trust the content.

mvahowe commented 5 years ago

@joelthe1 We're all biased, and that's ok - for me, the whole purpose of committees like this is to bring biases together to provide a consensual way forward. (That's my fortune cookie for the week :-) )

Thinking about this some more, I'm coming back to last Thursday's long term plan of USFM for translation and USX for publication. Believe it or not, that's because of validation...

@jonathanrobie @FoolRunning Last November, one of your colleagues wrote:

Paratext will generate invalid USX if the USFM is not valid. When round-tripping for editing, the generated USX is not validated using the schema. This allows unknown markers to be handled and various other problems. So strict compliance with the schema is required for submitting projects to DBL, but for some exchanges all that is needed is valid XML that conforms to the USX element pattern... It can't be wildly wrong like having unknown elements. Bad USFM will just result in unknown attributes and maybe some elements in the wrong places.

(That last "valid" should be "well-formed", I think.)

This has implications for several definitions of "we":

jag3773 commented 5 years ago

@mvahowe I think framing the question in terms of

"What will Paratext do next?"

is antagonistic to our "translation project portability" charter. It is important what PT does next, but no more so than any other translation tool if our goal is to increase portability among translation tools (and it is). If we want something usable within a year, I don't see how we can kick USFM.

I think that supporting USFM is essential to meet our initial TPP charter,

Improve translation project portability between various tools (delineated as PT, tS, tC, Autographa)

Currently, and for the near future, the only common ground that those tools have is USFM. Long term we might be able to get to a USX baseline but I don't see that happening soon enough...

I'm not too picky on how that gets implemented in the spec, the initial suggestion still sounds reasonable to me.

mvahowe commented 5 years ago

@jag3773 As I say, I'm happy to run with USFM for translation and USX for publication.

Beyond that, I'd simply ask whether "portability that works everywhere except for DBL and Paratext" is actually a very useful level of portability, and how much added value that would give to anyone.

This becomes less important if we have a way to roundtrip between USFM without loss, but we don't, if only because of the ref elements in USX for which there is no representation in USFM. There's no way to recreate those ref elements without a pile of language-specific parsing rules, and all the major tool chains that rely on USX from DBL would break without those ref elements. Just this one issue means that Paratext and DBL will not be exchanging data in USFM.

There are also persistent reports that USFM is "ambiguous". I'd like to get to the bottom of this but, if this meant that USX => USFM => USX or vice versa may not give you back the data you started it's a very big concern.

I think that implementing USX <=> USFM convertors in a number of languages is entirely possible in a lot less than a year.

joelthe1 commented 5 years ago

So no tool (the ones @jag3773 listed) handles both the formats, at this point at least. So whichever we pick (or both), we'd have to invest time in making a convertor.

Also, while I agree that validating content will ensure quality, does this mean we validate all the contents of the SB always? So, while an SB for word-alignments is guaranteed to have markup/metadata that is conforming to our validator, will we also find a way to validate the alignment files themselves?

mvahowe commented 5 years ago

There's no way to put back the ref elements in USX once they are gone, so the conversion process isn't symetrical. Converting USX to USFM loses data. Converting USFM to USX doesn't get that data back.

That's a deal breaker for DBL, which means that it's a deal breaker for Paratext talking to DBL, So, if SB uses USFM, exchange between DBL and Paratext (and between DBL and YouVersion, DBL and Global.Bible, DBL and my epub generator...) will not use SB. And, at that point, whatever DBL uses will continue to be a de facto data exchange standard, with over 2300 text projects and more information than SB can store in USFM.

I'm not seeing how this helps to launch SB, and I'm not seeing how it's especially beneficial to non-Paratext editors.

mvahowe commented 5 years ago

So I think the "USFM for translation, USX for publication" approach is a good one. At the translation stage we don't need machine-readable cross-references (or, if we do, it's an application-level concern. At the translation stage markup may not be valid. When we get to publication, we do need validation and we do need machine-readable cross-references.

FoolRunning commented 5 years ago

Please can we try exporting USX from PT9 beta, for some completely messed up text, to see what the worst case looks like? So double backslashes, blackslash followed by new line, maybe a few lines of C#...

I've created some simple mangled USFM and exported that into some mangled USX for your viewing horror. 😲

mvahowe commented 5 years ago

@joelthe1 As horror goes, I feel your example was more Scooby Do than Chainsaw Massacre, but Oxygen still throws 64 schema errors. I haven't tried to unpick the schema, but it looks to me like your document is past the point where RelaxNG even knows where to start.

I'm sure I could come up with a schema validates this "USX" but I'm not sure to whom it would be useful. So, my suggestion is still

I've put your USX and the USX3 schema into the code section of the repo. Errors below:

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag or text
Start location: 3:58
End location: 3:63

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag or text
Start location: 3:121
End location: 3:126

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag or text
Start location: 3:144
End location: 3:149

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag or text
Start location: 3:188
End location: 3:193

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag or text
Start location: 3:211
End location: 3:216

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: value of attribute "style" is invalid; must be equal to "h", "h1", "h2", "h3", "ide", "imt", "imt1", "imt2", "mt", "mt1", "mt2", "mt3", "mt4", "rem", "toc1", "toc2", "toc3", "toca1", "toca2", "toca3" or "usfm"
Start location: 4:17
End location: 4:26

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: found attribute "status", but no attributes allowed here
Start location: 4:27
End location: 4:43

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: found attribute "vid", but no attributes allowed here
Start location: 4:44
End location: 4:57

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "unmatched" not allowed anywhere; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "note" or "optbreak"
Start location: 4:66
End location: 4:75

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "note" or "optbreak"
Start location: 4:99
End location: 4:104

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "note" or "optbreak"
Start location: 4:122
End location: 4:127

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "note" or "optbreak"
Start location: 4:166
End location: 4:171

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "note" or "optbreak"
Start location: 4:189
End location: 4:194

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "note" or "optbreak"
Start location: 4:233
End location: 4:238

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "note" or "optbreak"
Start location: 4:256
End location: 4:261

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "note" or "optbreak"
Start location: 4:300
End location: 4:305

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: value of attribute "style" is invalid; must be equal to "cl", "h", "h1", "h2", "h3", "ib", "ide", "ie", "iex", "ili", "ili1", "ili2", "im", "imi", "imq", "imt", "imt1", "imt2", "imt3", "imt4", "imte", "imte1", "imte2", "io", "io1", "io2", "io3", "io4", "iot", "ip", "ipi", "ipq", "ipr", "iq", "iq1", "iq2", "iq3", "is", "is1", "is2", "mt", "mt1", "mt2", "mt3", "mt4", "rem", "toc1", "toc2", "toc3", "toca1", "toca2", "toca3" or "usfm"
Start location: 5:17
End location: 5:19

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: found attribute "status", but no attributes allowed here
Start location: 5:20
End location: 5:36

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "figure", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 5:59
End location: 5:64

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "figure", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 5:103
End location: 5:108

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: value of attribute "style" is invalid; must be equal to "cl", "h", "h1", "h2", "h3", "ib", "ide", "ie", "iex", "ili", "ili1", "ili2", "im", "imi", "imq", "imt", "imt1", "imt2", "imt3", "imt4", "imte", "imte1", "imte2", "io", "io1", "io2", "io3", "io4", "iot", "ip", "ipi", "ipq", "ipr", "iq", "iq1", "iq2", "iq3", "is", "is1", "is2", "mt", "mt1", "mt2", "mt3", "mt4", "rem", "toc1", "toc2", "toc3", "toca1", "toca2", "toca3" or "usfm"
Start location: 6:17
End location: 6:19

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: found attribute "status", but no attributes allowed here
Start location: 6:20
End location: 6:36

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: value of attribute "style" is invalid; must be equal to "cl", "h", "h1", "h2", "h3", "ib", "ide", "ie", "iex", "ili", "ili1", "ili2", "im", "imi", "imq", "imt", "imt1", "imt2", "imt3", "imt4", "imte", "imte1", "imte2", "io", "io1", "io2", "io3", "io4", "iot", "ip", "ipi", "ipq", "ipr", "iq", "iq1", "iq2", "iq3", "is", "is1", "is2", "mt", "mt1", "mt2", "mt3", "mt4", "rem", "toc1", "toc2", "toc3", "toca1", "toca2", "toca3" or "usfm"
Start location: 7:17
End location: 7:19

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: found attribute "status", but no attributes allowed here
Start location: 7:20
End location: 7:36

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: value of attribute "style" is invalid; must be equal to "cl", "h", "h1", "h2", "h3", "ib", "ide", "ie", "iex", "ili", "ili1", "ili2", "im", "imi", "imq", "imt", "imt1", "imt2", "imt3", "imt4", "imte", "imte1", "imte2", "io", "io1", "io2", "io3", "io4", "iot", "ip", "ipi", "ipq", "ipr", "iq", "iq1", "iq2", "iq3", "is", "is1", "is2", "mt", "mt1", "mt2", "mt3", "mt4", "rem", "toc1", "toc2", "toc3", "toca1", "toca2", "toca3" or "usfm"
Start location: 8:17
End location: 8:19

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: found attribute "status", but no attributes allowed here
Start location: 8:20
End location: 8:36

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "figure", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 9:10
End location: 9:15

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "figure", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 10:10
End location: 10:15

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: value of attribute "style" is invalid; must be equal to "cl", "h", "h1", "h2", "h3", "ib", "ide", "ie", "iex", "ili", "ili1", "ili2", "im", "imi", "imq", "imt", "imt1", "imt2", "imt3", "imt4", "imte", "imte1", "imte2", "io", "io1", "io2", "io3", "io4", "iot", "ip", "ipi", "ipq", "ipr", "iq", "iq1", "iq2", "iq3", "is", "is1", "is2", "mt", "mt1", "mt2", "mt3", "mt4", "rem", "toc1", "toc2", "toc3", "toca1", "toca2", "toca3" or "usfm"
Start location: 12:17
End location: 12:19

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: found attribute "status", but no attributes allowed here
Start location: 12:20
End location: 12:36

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "figure", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 13:10
End location: 13:15

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "figure", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 14:10
End location: 14:15

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: value of attribute "style" is invalid; must be equal to "cl", "ib", "ie", "iex", "ili", "ili1", "ili2", "im", "imi", "imq", "imt", "imt1", "imt2", "imt3", "imt4", "imte", "imte1", "imte2", "io", "io1", "io2", "io3", "io4", "iot", "ip", "ipi", "ipq", "ipr", "iq", "iq1", "iq2", "iq3", "is", "is1", "is2", "mt", "mt1", "mt2", "mt3", "mt4" or "rem"
Start location: 17:17
End location: 17:20

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "figure", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 18:10
End location: 18:15

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "figure", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 19:10
End location: 19:15

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "figure", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 20:10
End location: 20:15

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "figure", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 21:10
End location: 21:15

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "figure", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 22:10
End location: 22:15

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "figure", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 23:10
End location: 23:15

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "figure", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:10
End location: 24:15

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:113
End location: 24:118

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:137
End location: 24:142

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:183
End location: 24:188

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:207
End location: 24:212

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:253
End location: 24:258

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:277
End location: 24:282

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:323
End location: 24:328

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:347
End location: 24:352

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:393
End location: 24:398

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:417
End location: 24:422

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:463
End location: 24:468

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:487
End location: 24:492

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:533
End location: 24:538

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:557
End location: 24:562

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:603
End location: 24:608

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:627
End location: 24:632

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:673
End location: 24:678

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:697
End location: 24:702

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:743
End location: 24:748

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:767
End location: 24:772

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:813
End location: 24:818

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:837
End location: 24:842

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "verse" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "char", "figure", "ms", "note", "optbreak" or "ref"
Start location: 24:890
End location: 24:895

System ID: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Main validation file: C:\Users\Mark\Source\Repos\scripture-burrito\code\usx_experiments\bad_usx3.xml
Scenario name: USX3
Engine name: Jing
Severity: error
Description: element "usx" incomplete; missing required element "chapter"
Start location: 2:2
End location: 2:6
jag3773 commented 5 years ago

As a group we've agreed to move in this direction for the beta:

"have USFM in source section and USX in the publications section."