bibledit / cloud

Source code for Bibledit core library and Cloud binary
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Task 01 Increasing Understanding: Upgrading Member Level #487

Closed warpok closed 3 years ago

warpok commented 3 years ago

THANKS FOR being willing to help with this special Bibledit instance. My assumption is that both the member and guest levels are seldom used. It may be that you will prefer to make a whole new level. Anyway, for now, I'll call it a member level. 'anggota' = member. The user would provide a valid email, and would need to click a link in an email to log in and set a password. Make the password length enough to be somewhat secure.

I suggest that the user not be allowed to change the emal address or his login. This is a free level, and if they want to change it, all they have to do is start over.

The language for this instance of Bibledit would be set to Indonesian.

The member user would get the full Basic Mode package. Changes would be off by default, and there would be no need for Accordance. The user should be given the power in the settings to change the name of his translation. But the default name could be Proyekku. (my project) This project should be supplied with a full USFM empty Bible project, with blank verses for the OT and NT.

The choice for menu Advanced Mode should pull up a page that would say that the Advance Mode gives users the power to use the Advanced Mode with many more features plus install the Bibledit App on their devices. There would be a link to a fuller description with a link for giving a donation/payment to Albata.

Let's work together to design a first-time visitor welcome/registration page with clear explanations. This page would describe the process for clicking on the automatic email and give the password criteria, etc. It would also describe what this level of Bibledit will do and give a link to the site describing the different user levels.

The main use of this Member level is to Increase Understanding of the Bible translation task by giving users access to a clearly organized set of Resources. These Resources will be used by training materials that tell people what an Interlinear is, and how to use it, etc. etc. I will make a new Issue especially for the Resources.

About defaults: I ask that we allow for all three editors to be chosen in the basic mode, as it is important to explain to students about how to use USFM coding.

teusbenschop commented 3 years ago

This plan for stap 01 / task 01 looks well thought out.

Here are some points or questions or discussion points, kind of important points to chart the way forward to get it implemented.

Request: The user would provide a valid email, and would need to click a link in an email to log in and set a password. Make the password length enough to be somewhat secure. Discussion point: Page probably be hosted on as that's the easiest to link to installers. But it's not a requirement to do it this way, it's just the easiest way to do it. It could be hosted on as well, provided there's a way to transfer the information from to

Request: The user should be given the power in the settings to change the name of his translation. But the default name could be Proyekku. (my project) This project should be supplied with a full USFM empty Bible project, with blank verses for the OT and NT. Discussion point: Bibledit does not know the concept of "Project", as Paratext does. Bibledit knows the concept of "Bible". The current default Bible is called "Sample". Would it be an option to call the Indonesian version "My Bible"? If so what's that in Indonesian?

Request: The choice for menu Advanced Mode should pull up a page that would say that the Advance Mode gives users the power to use the Advanced Mode with many more features plus install the Bibledit App on their devices. There would be a link to a fuller description with a link for giving a donation/payment to Albata. Action point: to create a landing page where the Advanced Mode links to. This page would give the fuller description and the link for donation.

Request: Let's work together to design a first-time visitor welcome/registration page with clear explanations. This page would describe the process for clicking on the automatic email and give the password criteria, etc. It would also describe what this level of Bibledit will do and give a link to the site describing the different user levels. Discussion point: Suggestion to host this page on Action point: to create this page.

teusbenschop commented 3 years ago

Action point done: Create customized Bibledit Cloud instance at free port number. Port number 8082 is used now.

There's a pre-compiled tarball and binary that is ready to be deployed to given port number, one for every free student account.

autossh -M 20002 -f -N user@host -R *:8082:localhost:8082 -C autossh -M 20003 -f -N user@host -R *:8083:localhost:8083 -C

Installer: $ scr/bibledit/install-alkitab-demo

warpok commented 3 years ago

Discussion point 1: Link for registering at what site? Let's put it at We will link to the home page with a description of the page link to find, or else have a direct link to the sub-page, or whatever. The link on the home page can be in English or in English and Indonesian. What should we entitle the subpage? Use Bibledit as a guest of Albata // Gunakan Bibledit sebagai tamu Albata

Discussion 2: What to call the sample Bible: MyTranslation / Terjemahanku (I like this best.) MyBible / Alkitabku (this sounds really unclear) so this would be better: MyBibleTranslation //PenerjemahanAlkitabku

Discussionn 3: Page describing the user levels and subscription costs. Our site is, not Incredibly, is available, and I could buy it if you are actually suggesting that. This will be easy. I will want to make screenshots. I can do this any time and will talk to our Indonesian director to get his help in this. There is also a partner site that will want to link to all the information we're talking about. The means of payment will be easy, and we will need a Google form where people who send money can make sure we know what their donation is for.

Discussion 4: Designing an informational page showing what people will be able to do using the special member level of Bibledit cloud. We'll start on this right away.

warpok commented 3 years ago

About the language of the interface: It should be set to the Indonesian language by default, but some users will prefer to switch it to English. So it might be nice to put that setting on the Basic Mode settings pages.

teusbenschop commented 3 years ago

Our site is, not Incredibly, is available, and I could buy it if you are actually suggesting that.

I accidentally mentioned, but I am not suggesting you buy it.

warpok commented 3 years ago

I have written a draft of the web page for explaining about Bibledit for those who want to better understand about Bible translation, and for those who actually want to translate the Bible. I explain about three user levels and the features at each level. etc. I will have a meeting tomorrow to discuss the draft and to see if two members of my team buy into this idea. I will let you know.

teusbenschop commented 3 years ago

I will have a meeting tomorrow to discuss the draft and to see if two members of my team buy into this idea. I will let you know.

That's great, sounds good.

teusbenschop commented 3 years ago

The page on where users can request a month-long free Bibledit Cloud in Indonesian is at this link:

It takes the user to a Google Form where they can enter a couple of details.

Everything on that form is in a draft format. If you want, I can share the form with you, so you can update / translate / fix it, and bring it in line with the desired goals.

warpok commented 3 years ago

Great! I find that you have not shared the form with me. So I can't yet see it or edit it. You might share it with and

I had a zoom meeting with three members of my team and they were clearly excited about what we are planning, and about the way you our making this possible for us. The meeting was very helpful because the team started by discussing our end goals in doing this sharing of Bibledit and resources. Like are we thinking to train Bible translators? Or are we helping seminary students? Or just the ordinary layman? Are we starting a theology course? etc. And we did a little comparison with the Indonesian Bible site and other products available.

One perceptive comment was that churches used to teach how to understand the Bible, but now they don't. Teachers give a diet of food that has been pre-chewed by the pastor, and no one has been teaching how to dig to a deeper level with even consulting the source text. The result is that people have many questions, don't know where to find answers, and remain stuck being dissatisfied with a diet of baby food.

We agreed that we are endeavoring to give people the tools and training to enable them to think like Bible translators (not that they will actually become Bible translators).

teusbenschop commented 3 years ago

Great! I find that you have not shared the form with me. So I can't yet see it or edit it. You might share it with and

Okay, this has been fixed now, the form has been shared with both of you, both email addresses.

teusbenschop commented 3 years ago

We agreed that we are endeavoring to give people the tools and training to enable them to think like Bible translators (not that they will actually become Bible translators).

Ah, okay, this is a great idea.

Now it happens to be that Bibledit is mainly intended for use by actual Bible translators.

It is great that it may find a wider audience.

I am taking it that you and your colleagues are doing the support for all the users who are receiving access to the cloud via you.

teusbenschop commented 3 years ago

To start off with the account type, initially taking the "Member" account level looks to be the easiest and fastest way to go about it. It will be fast because the Member account gives access to basic functionality to start off with. And any extra's can be added easier to the Member account, than to remove functionality from the Translator account.

warpok commented 3 years ago

I have edited the signup page. I am assuming that we will be the ones to respond to the registration requests, installing new users and sending the opening email. Would it be possible to make the registration process automatic?-- so that people are registered and get the email immediately.

teusbenschop commented 3 years ago

I am assuming that we will be the ones to respond to the registration requests, installing new users and sending the opening email.

Yes, that is a good idea, if you and your colleagues will be responsible for that.

A point to note then is that currently the form that was drafted by me and that was updated by you, will send the email addresses to my Gmail address, because the form is on my Google account.

If you need to receive the email addresses, then it will be good if the form be moved to your Gmail account, so that the signup emails will go to your email address.

Both is fine with me, I can forward any emails that I receive to you for further processing.

Would it be possible to make the registration process automatic?-- so that people are registered and get the email immediately.

Yes, that would be possible, but that takes an amount of time to implement. No problem that it takes a while to implement it, but I would prefer to first see several signups, and do them manually, before spending the time to make it automatic in the future. What do you think?

teusbenschop commented 3 years ago

Despite the above remark, the installation of the Indonesian Bibledit Cloud Free is now partially automatic.

A version that is up-to-date, and matches today's develop version, is available at

As all requested features are being implemented one by one, over the course of the coming time, this development version will get updated also.

More importantly Free Cloud instances in Indonesian will be available as of today, with the remark that the edition is a work in progress. It will meet the required specs better and better over time. But a rough-edged edition is available already.

teusbenschop commented 3 years ago

The Indonesian Cloud Free at can be logged in with "consultant" for both the username and the password. As can be seen there, it has a link "Visit for more information". What is the correct landing page at for more info about the more advanced edition of Bibledit Cloud?

warpok commented 3 years ago

I am taking it that you and your colleagues are doing the support for all the users who are receiving access to the cloud via you.

Answer: Yes, definitely.

There's a pre-compiled tarball and binary that is ready to be deployed to given port number, one for every free student account. autossh -M 20002 -f -N user@host -R :8082:localhost:8082 -C autossh -M 20003 -f -N user@host -R :8083:localhost:8083 -C Installer: $ scr/bibledit/install-alkitab-demo

I don’t understand that. Perhaps it was a not to yourself? Please let me know if I need to do something with that.

As can be seen there, it has a link "Visit for more information". What is the correct landing page at for more info about the more advanced edition of Bibledit Cloud?

We have registered a new domain name: ( We got the idea because you inadvertently gave a similar address. We think this needs to be a separate site that will be dedicated to providing information and support for Bibledit.

I logged in. So far so good. Please put in the setting for font size in the settings.

Let me know if you are waiting for an answer about something else above.

teusbenschop commented 3 years ago

A couple of Indonesian Cloud instances were created in advance. So if there's a student wanting an instance, the instance is there already, and can be taken from the prepared instances. The following port numbers each now have an active instance:

6050 6055 6060 6065 6070

I will email you the credentials for the administrator to login.

This way there is no delay if a student requests access, because the instances are prepared.

Please let me know in advance if you are running low on prepared instances, so I can add more of those.

teusbenschop commented 3 years ago

We have registered a new domain name: ( We got the idea because you inadvertently gave a similar address. We think this needs to be a separate site that will be dedicated to providing information and support for Bibledit.

The newest instances are now pointing to that website address.

I logged in. So far so good. Please put in the setting for font size in the settings.

Will do, it's noted down on the todo list.

Let me know if you are waiting for an answer about something else above.

No everything is clear so far, and there's a couple of issues to tick off the list, to get them done, then this whole issue will be ready.

teusbenschop commented 3 years ago

All the remaining issues in this task were completed. At the given port numbers, there's no free Indonesian Bibledit Cloud instances running. The instances are completely up-to-data with all improvements and wishes expressed and discussed in this issue.