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BIC Library Communication Framework
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Retrieving a list of valid reservation pickup locations #280

Open andrewdaye opened 3 years ago

andrewdaye commented 3 years ago

Looking for advice on the best way to implement retrieving pickup locations when placing a reservation.

Currently, the locations are available via the GET /lcf/1.0/locations call, and there were some additions in #132 to define pickup locations.

There is however a level of complexity that this does not cover - in some cases (especially larger consortia) the list of pickup locations will differ by patron and manifestation that is reserving and being reserved. I can't see how the current structure can encompass this?



franciscave commented 3 years ago

No, indeed, @andrewdaye. This is definitely a level of complexity that LCF doesn't currently support.

In LCF v1.2.0 support was added for defining a location to be a "pickup location", or "collection point" as it is described in code list LOP (location purpose).

I am presuming that a manifestation or item could be associated with certain collection points and not others, and a patron would be able to use certain collection points and not others.

The simplest solution would be to add a single code value to the code list LAT (location association type), the code having the meaning "possible collection point". When used in a manifestation or item record, the associated location would be a collection point that can be used by any patron for collecting that specific manifestation or item. When used in a patron record, the associated location would be a collection point that can be used by that patron for collecting any manifestation or item. Only locations whose purpose is specified to be "collection point" would be valid locations with this association type. For a patron to be able to collect a specific manifestation or item from a collection point, both the manifestation or item and the patron would have to have an association with that particular collection point.

I note that LCF does not currently support the association of a location with a manifestation, only a location with an item. Since a manifestation is any copy, would we wish to be able to associate any copy of a manifestation with a collection point, or would it be sufficient to be able to associate individual items (copies) with a collection point? If we want to add support for associating any copy with a collection point, we would need to add the associated location structure (see E02C06) to E01 Manifestation.

mdovey commented 2 years ago

Agreed at technical panel on the 3/11/2021, to add associated location to manifestation and ensure code list for reservation pick up is usable with manifestation.

franciscave commented 2 years ago

I propose the following change to code LAT (adding code value '07'):

LAT Location association type

Code ID Code value Definition Notes
... ... ... ...
LAT06 06 Website of library authority/institution, branch or section Added in v1.0.1
LAT07 07 Possible collection point May be used to associate a manifestation or item with a specific location used for collection
Added in vx.x.0
franciscave commented 2 years ago

I propose the following change in the LCF Data Framework to E01 Manifestation (adding E01CXX):




Id Element SIP2 ID Card. Format Description
... ... ... ... ... ...
E01D12 Other description 0-1 String Other descriptive information about the manifestation.
E01CXX Associated location 0-n Added vx.x.0
E01DXX.1 Location association type 1 Code LCF code list LAT
E01DXX.2 Location reference 1 String
E01C24 Associated manifestation 0-n Added vx.x.0
franciscave commented 2 years ago

I propose a corresponding change in the XML binding to E01 Manifestation:


Element ID XML structure Card. Data type Notes
... ... ... ... ... ...
37 E01D12 description 0-1 string
37A E01CXX associated-location 0-n
37B E01DXX.1 association-type 1 Code LAT
37C E01DXX.2 location-ref 1 string
38 E01C24 associated-manifestation 0-n
franciscave commented 2 years ago

See pull request #290.

franciscave commented 1 year ago

At the Technical Panel meeting on 11 October 2022, Andrew Daye pointed out that this change would not satisfy the original use case, so the issue has been re-opened.

andrewdaye commented 1 year ago

Scenario: As a client application that supports creating reservations, I want to show the user a list of pickup locations so that they may choose their preferred pickup location from a list of all valid pickup locations.

To display a list of valid pickup locations, it requires a number of LCF calls, that scales with the overall number of locations in the system.

Request 1: /lcf/1.0/locations?os:count=2000 (or a suitably high enough number to get all locations).

This will return all of the locations in the system, potentially including a large number of non-pickup locations. As an example, we have a customer where this is a list of around 1200 location-refs.

Request 2-1201: (each entity id from the previous request)

This will return the details of each location, allow us to determine if that location is a valid pickup location. Without making this call for every returned enetity ID in the first call, we dont know if the location is a valid pickup location, so this needs to be called for every location. In the customer example, only around 300 of those locations are valid pickup locations.

Two options: 1) Make the location requests sequentially - this could take 100 ms per call, meaning a wait time of two minutes for the location list. 2) Make the location requests asynchronously - this would likely be miscontrued as a Denial of Service attack by the server.

There are other options - e.g. batch the calls to make 50 requests at a time, followed by the next 50, etc. but this will still be subject to latency.

A more optimal solution would either be to:

(a) return the entity bodies in the initial call (potentially a large amount of data in a single request, but no more than the 1200 individual calls), or (b) adding querying or filter options to the original request, such that only those entities that meet the criteria are returned, or (c) a combination of both.