bicarlsen / obsidian_image_caption

Add captions to images in Obsidian.
GNU General Public License v3.0
88 stars 3 forks source link

Inserting caption break in line image layout #19

Open hellen-dorandt89 opened 2 years ago

hellen-dorandt89 commented 2 years ago

Hello first of all thank you so much for this lovely plug in. Its really gonna help me. One issue I have come across is that if I have two images in one line like this :

![[Planes as they get close to EL.gif|500 "my caption"]]![[Planes as they get close to COV.gif|500]]

So that they are both rendered side by side, inserting a snippet into one of the images will force the image with the snippet to be rendered on its own line. I am a learning a bit of HTML and CSS I believe this is called in line and block style element? in short is there a way I can style the caption so that I can still have images side by side? I am really new to this programming stufff so if you can point me in the right direction I will really appreciate it.

Below is an example of what I mean.

Thanks again.

bicarlsen commented 2 years ago

This will be fixed in the new release :) I'll post another comment here once it is out.

hellen-dorandt89 commented 2 years ago

Excellent looking forward to it