bichu136 /

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List of Readed Papers #8

Open bichu136 opened 2 years ago

bichu136 commented 2 years ago

Spring 2022:

bichu136 commented 2 years ago

DDG-DA: Data Distribution Generation for Predictable Concept Drift Adaptation

bichu136 commented 2 years ago

Gaussian Imagination in Bandit Learning

bichu136 commented 2 years ago

Quantum Capsule Networks

bichu136 commented 2 years ago

Deep Learning Assisted End-to-End Synthesis of mm-Wave Passive Networks with 3D EM Structures: A Study on A Transformer-Based Matching Network

bichu136 commented 2 years ago

Classification of Long Sequential Data using Circular Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks

bichu136 commented 2 years ago

Topological Representations of Local Explanations

bichu136 commented 2 years ago

Realistic Full-Body Anonymization with Surface-Guided GANs

bichu136 commented 2 years ago

Generalize Category Discovery

bichu136 commented 2 years ago


bichu136 commented 2 years ago

Automated Reinforcement Learning (AutoRL): A Survey and Open Problems

bichu136 commented 2 years ago

Consistent Style Transfer

bichu136 commented 2 years ago

When is Offline Two-Player Zero-Sum Markov Game Solvable?

bichu136 commented 2 years ago

Differentiable and Scalable Generative Adversarial Models for Data Imputation

bichu136 commented 2 years ago

Neural Network Optimization for Reinforcement Learning Tasks Using Sparse Computations

bichu136 commented 2 years ago

In Defense of the Unitary Scalarization for Deep Multi-Task Learning

bichu136 commented 2 years ago

Language-driven Semantic Segmentations

bichu136 commented 2 years ago

A Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning Approach for Efficient Client Selection in Federated Learning

bichu136 commented 2 years ago

De-rendering 3D Objects in the Wild

bichu136 commented 2 years ago

BLINC: Lightweight Bimodal Learning for Low-Complexity VVC Intra Coding