bicycle1885 / CellFishing.jl

Fast and scalable cell search tool
MIT License
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Description of neighbors.tsv #5

Closed yyoshiaki closed 5 years ago

yyoshiaki commented 5 years ago

Hi, Could you please add a brief description of neighbors.tsv? Best, Yoshiaki

bicycle1885 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I'm very sorry for the late response.

The first line is a header like cell,n1,n2,n3,n4,... (here I used commans instead of tabs for readablity). The search results start from the second line. The query cell names come in the first column, and the cells names of the nearest neighbors found in the database follows after that. The second column contains the most similar cells to the query cells in the same lines. The third column contains the second similar cells, and the fourth column contains the third similar cells, and so on.

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions about the software.