biddster / node-red-contrib-time-range-switch

A simple Node-RED node that routes messages depending on the time.
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question about start/end times that cross with the seasons #22

Closed rhd closed 5 years ago

rhd commented 5 years ago


Thanks for this great little node. I have a question.

Say I want my lights to come on at 6am - sunrise. What happens if sunrise happens before 6am as it does in the summer time? In this case, I'd like to not have the lights come on at all.


biddster commented 5 years ago

@rhd I think this can be solved by having an inject node that fires at 6am. That's wired into time-range-switch which has a range from 1am (or any time that will always be before sunrise) until sunrise. Connect the lights to output 1 and output 2 to nothing. If 6am is after sunrise, time-range-switch will send to output 2 and nothing will happen. I have the exact same arrangement for my porch light.

rhd commented 5 years ago

@biddster thanks. That is how I ended up solving it. I guess this is more of an issue for schedex. It would be really nice if there was a checkbox that said don't fire if start time is before end time. Thanks for the great plugins... I'm going to close this issue.

rhd commented 5 years ago


My final solution didn't use time-range-switch - it used schdex to fire the events and the sun state in homeassistant to check to see if the sun was above or below the horizon. This could have been a time-range-switch instead.