Turns out that it's still quite useful (at least for us here) and I will probably keep pushing/uploading images with my updates (including the smaller "-core" variants) in my own namespace: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/octomike/matlab-compiler-runtime/tags. So if you think it could still be useful for people, you could lead them to my fork, if you want to. I can also add a note to go look at neurodocker before using the layers in my README.
I revived my fork for this today because I saw a use case in https://github.com/jhuguetn/cat12-docker .
Turns out that it's still quite useful (at least for us here) and I will probably keep pushing/uploading images with my updates (including the smaller "-core" variants) in my own namespace: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/octomike/matlab-compiler-runtime/tags. So if you think it could still be useful for people, you could lead them to my fork, if you want to. I can also add a note to go look at neurodocker before using the layers in my README.