bids-standard / bep001

Project management repository (primarily issues) for BIDS Extension Proposal 001
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Suffix of MPRAGE becomes MP2RAGE #20

Closed Gilles86 closed 5 years ago

Gilles86 commented 5 years ago

I think in the November call we decided that the suffixes of (ME-)MP2RAGEs should be _MP2RAGE, even though there are two inversion times and there could be more and this is implied by the number of inv-{}-tags.

The reason we came to this decision was that what people currently tag as _t1w in BIDS datasets are very often MPRAGES. MP2RAGES are in a way very different, because they have very different, 'white noise' contrast in regions of low/no signal. This should be very clearly marked for any anatomical processing pipelines.

However, it is currently not yet implemented in the maintext-branch.

Gilles86 commented 5 years ago

I think a similar issue I can't find back is how to deal with T1UNI data. Maybe that should be different from _t1w-data? Again, because of the white noise issue that, without proper care, goes completely haywire in fmriprep/freesurfer/etc.

Gilles86 commented 5 years ago

Resolved in commit