bids-standard / bids-2-devel

Discussions and suggestions of backwards incompatible changes to BIDS
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Welcome! And migration from Google Doc to this repo #1

Closed sappelhoff closed 3 years ago

sappelhoff commented 3 years ago

Welcome to this new repository everybody!

Please see this message on how to work with the suggestions in this repo:

For context, please see the messages in the BrainHack Mattermost starting approximately with this message by @tsalo .

Next steps:

  1. [x] migrate all existing suggestions and discussions
  2. [x] render the BIDS 2.0 google doc "view only"
  3. [x] label the new issues

We need to migrate all suggestions / comments and preferably also discussions from the BIDS 2.0 google doc to this repository.

tsalo commented 3 years ago

I'm happy to help! It seems pretty straightforward to copy over the contents of the Doc, but the big problem, as far as I can tell, is attributing ideas to individuals. Most of the suggestions for ideas have already been accepted, so it would be pretty difficult to go through the history and track down each person who contributed an idea, and then figure out their GitHub handle, if they even have an account.

I recommend the following:

  1. We start opening issues for suggestions.
  2. When we know who came up with the idea, we tag them. Otherwise, we just let it go. People can always tag themselves later, if need be.
  3. When there are comments, we add them as new comments on the issue. When we know the GitHub handle of the commenter, we tag them in the comment (e.g., "@tsalo said: "). Otherwise, we use the person's name. We can always edit the comments to replace names with handles later.

From there, we can use Project boards or labels to collect the suggestions into more manageable groups. I think the same labels as bids-specification should be good to start.

tsalo commented 3 years ago

What about an issue template with the following?

# content of suggestion

Original authors:

We leave "original authors" empty until we know the authors, then we can edit the issue with handles or names as needed. The "content of suggestion" would be the text from the Doc, with the issue title obviously being the title of the suggestion.

tsalo commented 3 years ago

Here's a list of the issues we need to open, with a first attempt at attribution:

sappelhoff commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the initiative and energy @tsalo - I just gave you maintainer permissions for this repository so that you can create project boards as you see fit. I think approach is reasonable and we can take it step by step from here

tsalo commented 3 years ago

I've opened the issues now, so I think the next step should be to label them. Many of these issues are >=3 years old, and at least some of them might have already been incorporated into the specification (e.g., #6 and #18 are both part of BEP-001, I believe).

I'm leaning toward the following labels:

EDIT: I've also added links to the issues to the Doc. Would you mind accepting those changes before you lock the Doc?

sappelhoff commented 3 years ago

Done, and the labels sound good, feel free to go ahead and create them. I think we are ready to render the Gdoc "view only" now, WDYT?

tsalo commented 3 years ago

I just had to add links for the last two issues, but now it's good to lock.

jbteves commented 3 years ago

How should we indicate approval/disapproval on various items? And is commentary limited to existing BIDS community members?

tsalo commented 3 years ago

I don't think commentary should be limited to BIDS contributors (although being familiar with the standard is important), and I think :+1: and :-1: should be good for simple approval/disapproval, with comments if you have a more nuanced take.

sappelhoff commented 3 years ago

How should we indicate approval/disapproval on various items?

I think a standalone :+1: is fine, but :-1: SHOULD be accompanied with a reason.

And is commentary limited to existing BIDS community members?

We are an open community, there is no "application form" or something like it :-) just comment.

sappelhoff commented 3 years ago

migration is done, closing this.