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Discussions and suggestions of backwards incompatible changes to BIDS
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Custom prefix (X-) for arbitrary metadata in .json files #80

Open TheChymera opened 2 months ago

TheChymera commented 2 months ago

Name space collisions came up today in the stimulus BEP discussion ( @yarikoptic ). Perhaps a prefix for arbitrary table columns would help with that, i.e. if we introduce a new column name, to make sure that that isn't misinterpreted with respect to preexisting data.

Not sure if this should be done with entities as well (since we don't support arbitrary entities, even though I think we should)...

In any case if it's just for column names we could use underscore as a prefix for arbitrary column names. If we want to do the same for entities it would need to be somthing uglier like XYZ or similar.

yarikoptic commented 2 months ago

I feel like I have proposed to add X- prefix to any metadata field (and possibly column in TSV) for any non-formalized by BIDS field. This is based on how email RFC ??? does it -- you can add arbitrary header field but prefixed with X-. So we have tons of them in the email headers now (e.g. X-Spam-Level, x-microsoft-spam) which allows for safe vendoring.

But it didn't gain traction at that point. I fail to find ATM, but I think I also ran it by @rordenlab in the scope of dcm2niix... might find it later unless someone beats me to it.

Good news: since we formalized machine readable schema, it would be quite simple to establish automated migration as part of BIDS 2.0 - 3.0 migration helper.


yarikoptic commented 1 month ago

Another similar case IIRC it is mime types , see . There x- I saw used , but I now see that x. is "advised one" there. But the point is the same - having a prefix.

yarikoptic commented 1 month ago

Added consistency label as only with X- prefix there is consistency that metadata field is actually known to BIDS. Without that there is inconsistent mix of metadata fields known and unknown to BIDS so it is already "flexible" like that. We will retain flexibility of being able to add new fields but in a consistent fashion. If field is perspective for some BEP, could be X-BEP??? to simplify catching/migrating whenever BEP is accepted, or just carry target name and explicitly ignored etc.

I see that currently all officially allowed metadata fields have no - or _ in them. In general, does schema or tooling allows (as proceeds without complains) for - in the metadata field names? (attn @effigies)

neurolabusc commented 19 hours ago

Happy to create a separate pull request, but it might be nice to get initial guidance here. This discussion is timely, as seen by dcm2niix issues 881 and 880. From inception, dcm2niix included many keys not formally defined by BIDS. Before BIDS 1.0, @chrisgorgo suggested unilaterally defining keys for fields that did not exist in BIDS. Over time, many contributors have suggested new keys. However, this has caused some issues, as some BEPS choose different key names (in particular ASL and PET). Now that the BIDS specification has a clear mechanism for defining new keys and a democratically selected steering committee, it seems useful to try to develop a consensus on key names before unilaterally introducing them in one tool.

@effigies noted If anything, it would be good to propose defining all of the current fields dcm2niix emits in BIDS.I would advocate for adopting them more-or-less wholesale.

I would be interested in getting feedback from visionaries on this topic (@CPernet , @Remi-Gau, @xiangruili, and @satra come to mind). My proposal would be:

  1. Get consensus existing dcm2niix key names, decide if all can be considered optional.
  2. Develop a validation dataset that includes DICOM files that exhibit all the proposed keys similar to dcm_qa. This will provide concrete exemplars for other tool builders to support their (optional) adoption of these keys.
  3. Create a PR for the BIDS specification.
Below (click to expand) is a list of the proposed new keys, all of which dcm2niix already generates: ### Global Constants These fields should be the same for all images acquired on a specific scanner. | Field | Unit | Comments | |-----------------------------|------|----------------------| | ConversionSoftware | | e.g. `dcm2niix` | | ConversionSoftwareVersion | | e.g. `v1.0.20210317` | We should have a consensus of whether software and software version are two keys or concatenated as one, e.g. dcm2niix creates two keys, while dicm2nii generates one: ` "ConversionSoftware": "dicm2nii.m 20240821"`. ### Global Series Information These fields are present regardless of modality (e.g. MR, CT, PET). | Field | Unit | Comments | |--------------------------|------|---------------------| | PatientPosition | | DICOM tag 0020,0032 | | ProcedureStepDescription | | DICOM tag 0040,0254 | | StudyDescription | | DICOM tag 0008,1030 | | SeriesDescription | | DICOM tag 0008,103E | | ProtocolName | | DICOM tag 0018,1030 | | ImageType | list | DICOM tag 0008,0008 see [dcm2niix issue 881]( | | AcquisitionTime | | DICOM tag 0008,0032 | | AcquisitionNumber | | DICOM tag 0020,0012 | | ImageComments | | DICOM tag 0020,4000 | ### Global Private Information These fields contain personally identifiable information. By default dcm2niix will create anonymized files without these fields. The option `-ba n` will retain private information. | Field | Unit | Comments | |------------------------|------|---------------------| | SeriesInstanceUID | | DICOM tag 0020,000E | | StudyInstanceUID | | DICOM tag 0020,000D | | ReferringPhysicianName | | DICOM tag 0008,0090 | | StudyID | | DICOM tag 0020,0010 | | PatientName | | DICOM tag 0010,0010 | | PatientID | | DICOM tag 0010,0020 | | AccessionNumber | | DICOM tag 0008,0050 | | PatientBirthDate | | DICOM tag 0010,0030 | | PatientSex | | DICOM tag 0010,0040 | | PatientAge | | DICOM tag 0010,1010 | | PatientSize | | DICOM tag 0010,1020 | | PatientWeight | kg | DICOM tag 0010,1030 | | AcquisitionDateTime | | DICOM tag 0008,002A | ## Modality Fields These fields are specific to modality (e.g. MR, CT, PET). ### Modality Computerized Tomography Fields specific to CT scans. | Field | Unit | Comments | |-----------------|------|---------------------| | ExposureTime | s | DICOM tag 0018,1150 | | XRayTubeCurrent | mA | DICOM tag 0018,1151 | | XRayExposure | mAs | DICOM tag 0018,1152 | ### Modality Magnetic Resonance Imaging Fields specific to MRI scans. | Field | Unit | Comments | |------------------------------------|------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | AcquisitionMatrixPE | | DICOM tag 0018,9231 (aka PhaseEncodingLines) | | DerivedVendorReportedEchoSpacing | s | | | EchoNumber | | Only multi-echo series | | EchoTrainLength | | DICOM tag 0018,0091 | | EffectiveEchoSpacing | s | | | EstimatedEffectiveEchoSpacing | s | | | EstimatedTotalReadoutTime | s | | | VariableFlipAngleFlag | b | DICOM tag 0018,1315 | | ImageOrientationPatientDICOM | | DICOM tag 0020,0037 | | ImagingFrequency | MHz | DICOM tag 0018,0084 or 0018,9098 | | InPlanePhaseEncodingDirectionDICOM | | DICOM tag 0018,1312 | | NumberOfAverages | | DICOM tag 0018,0083 | | PercentPhaseFOV | | DICOM tag 0018,0094 | | PercentSampling | | DICOM tag 0018,0093 | | FrequencyEncodingSteps | | DICOM tag 0018,9058 | | PhaseEncodingSteps | | DICOM tag 0018,0089 or 0018,9231 aka PhaseEncodingStepsInPlane | | PhaseEncodingStepsOutOfPlane | | DICOM tag 0018,9232 | | PixelBandwidth | Hz | DICOM tag 0018,0095 | | RepetitionTimeInversion | s | | | SAR | | DICOM tag 0018,1316 or 0018,9181 defined by 0018,9179 | | SliceThickness | mm | [nb]( | | SpacingBetweenSlices | mm | [nb]( | ## Manufacturer Fields ### Manufacturer General Electric | Field | Unit | Comments | |--------------------------------|------|--------------------------| | PulseSequenceName | | `epi` or `epiRT` | | InternalPulseSequenceName | | `EPI` or `EPI2` | | PhaseEncodingPolarityGE | | `Unflipped` or `Flipped` | | NumberOfPointsPerArm | | DICOM tag 0027,1060 | | NumberOfArms | | DICOM tag 0027,1061 | | NumberOfExcitations | | DICOM tag 0027,1062 | | ShimSetting[0] | | DICOM tag 0043,1002 | | ShimSetting[1] | | DICOM tag 0043,1003 | | ShimSetting[2] | | DICOM tag 0043,1004 | | PrescanReuseString | | DICOM tag 0043,1095 | | ASLContrastTechnique | | DICOM tag 0043,10A3 | | ASLLabelingTechnique | | DICOM tag 0043,10A4 | | CompressedSensingFactor | | DICOM tag 0043,10B7 | | DeepLearningFactor | | DICOM tag 0043,10CA | ### Manufacturer Philips | Field | Unit | Comments | |------------------------------------|------|----------------------------------| | TriggerDelayTime | s | DICOM tag 0020,9153 or 0018,1060 | | PhilipsRWVSlope | | DICOM tag 0040,9225 | | PhilipsRWVIntercept | | DICOM tag 0040,9224 | | PhilipsRescaleSlope | | DICOM tag 0028,1053 | | PhilipsRescaleIntercept | | DICOM tag 0028,1052 | | UsePhilipsFloatNotDisplayScaling | | dcm2niix option `-p y` or `-p n` | | PartialFourierEnabled | | DICOM tag 0018,9081, `YES` | | PhaseEncodingStepsNoPartialFourier | | DICOM tag 0018,9231 | | WaterFatShift | | DICOM tag 2001,1022 | | PhilipsScaleSlope | | DICOM tag 2005,100E | ### Manufacturer Siemens Magnetic Resonance Imaging (V*) | Field | Unit | Comments | |--------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Interpolation2D | | If present, slices interpolated within plane | | Interpolation3D | | If present, image interpolated in all spatial dimensions | | BaseResolution | integer | # of acquisition lines? | | ShimSetting | DAC for 1st order terms, mA for 2nd order terms | The 1st 3 values are the 1st order shims from sGRADSPEC.lOffset{X,Y,Z}. The next 5 are 2nd order shims from sGRADSPEC.alShimCurrent[0-4]. Converting to the first order terms to uT/m may be possible using the "gradient sensitivities". Converting the second order terms to uT/m^2 requires information not stored in the DICOM header, but they are fixed for a given shim hardware configuration. | | DiffusionScheme | | `Monopolar` or `Bipolar` | | DelayTime | s | Pause between EPI volumes, where TR is longer than required by TA (`sparse` imaging) | | TxRefAmp | V | | | PhaseResolution | f | | | PhaseOversampling | | | | CoilString | | May or may not match `ReceiveCoilName` | | FmriExternalInfo | | | | WipMemBlock | | | | AveragesDouble | | CSA `dAveragesDouble`, fractions possible, independent of DICOM `NumberOfAverages` (0018,0083) | | ProtocolName | | Check SeriesDescription - they might be switched around | | RefLinesPE | | # of reference lines in the phase encoding direction for acceleration (GRAPPA) | | ConsistencyInfo | | The more complete software version, e.g. VE11C or VE11E instead of just VE11. | | BandwidthPerPixelPhaseEncode | Hz | DICOM tag 0019,1028 | | ImageOrientationText | | DICOM tag 0051,100E | ### Manufacturer Siemens Magnetic Resonance Imaging (XA) | Field | Unit | Comments | |------------------------------|------|----------------------------| | BandwidthPerPixelPhaseEncode | Hz | DICOM tag 0021,1153 | | ScanningSequence | | DICOM tag 0021,105a |
yarikoptic commented 16 hours ago

Thank you @neurolabusc ! You are hitting many nails on the head with the desire to formalize all those dcm2niix already populates. It is indeed worth filing a separate issue or even IMHO better a PR (easier to discuss any particular one in conversation attached to specific line in diff) to propose those even at the level of current BIDS 1.x for most of them. I have also filed a pair of related issues on ConversionSoftware* fields - IMHO they should be made more generic.

NB I have wrapped the listing of individual keys into <detail> construct in your comment to keep discussion on the original issue easier to follow here.

mharms commented 13 hours ago

As I commented here (, I think it is important that dcm2niix stays responsive to user suggestions for additions to its json metadata, without those individuals needing to formally engage with BIDS.

Also, dcm2niix is its own stand-alone software. I don't see why new fields added to its json should be forced to have some odd, arbitrary prefix just because those fields don't happen to be formally defined in the BIDS spec.

yarikoptic commented 8 hours ago

It is just a matter if dcm2niix would like to produce "BIDS .json sidecar files" (so understood by BIDS-aware tools etc) or ".json sidecar files"? If there is a desire to produce "BIDS standardized" sidecar files, sure thing there should be a engagement with the standard.

Not unlike is happening in DICOM itself: manufacturers stick tons of custom metadata in vendor specific sections of DICOMs (I guess everyone of dcm2niix developers know how much fun it is to dig through those), and eventually DICOM standardizes some new metadata properties, and manufacturers (slowly) adopt them to facilitate inter-operation with DICOM receiving hardware/software.

So here is your response with some minor (dcm2niix -> Siemens and json/BIDS -> DICOM) changes and rewordings. Do you still agree with "your own" statement? > I think it is important that Siemens stays responsive to user suggestions for additions to its DICOM metadata, without those individuals needing to formally engage with DICOM. > > Also, Siemens is its own stand-alone manufacturer. I don't see why new fields added to its DICOM should be forced to be placed into some odd, arbitrary section just because those fields don't happen to be formally defined in the DICOM.
mharms commented 8 hours ago

I don't see the parallel to Siemens/DICOM. Siemens can (and does) put whatever they want into their own vendor specific DICOM sections.

A more appropriate analogy to what you are proposing as far as I'm concerned is that Siemens should append some common prefix to all the entries in their vendor specific sections, because they aren't formally defined DICOM fields. When you extend the analogy in that fashion, I obviously don't agree with that.

yarikoptic commented 8 hours ago

Analogy is exactly that -- here I am proposing to add a "vendor specific" (or arbitrary adhoc) prefix. It then could as well be x-dcm2niix "vendor specific" field (section) which would contain a dictionary of all extra fields dcm2niix adds, or just a flattened list of x- fields dcm2niix decides to add, while at the top level all fields without x- prefix are the ones (and only those) defined in BIDS.