bids-standard / bids-specification

Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) Specification
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PDT2 anatomical modality: Recommendations and potential use of _echo #223

Closed nicholst closed 1 year ago

nicholst commented 5 years ago

For PD+T2 images created from a single series (two echos), our conversion tool (heudiconv) is encouraging us to use _PDT2 for modality type, creating two NIFTI+json pairs, one for PD and one for T2, but we're struggling to figure out how to give them distinct names.

I don't recall a discussion around the PDT2 anatomy modality label: What was intended? That a 4D (dim4=2) image would be created?

If two 3D images are created, how should they be distinguished? According to the spec, the only feasible options are _acq-<label> and _run-<index>. run doesn't really make sense as it suggests that two PDT2 acquisitions were collected. So might _acq-PD and _acq_T2w be recommended?

What would be unambiguous and perhaps clearer is if _echo-<index> was available as an option. Is there any interest/appetite for adding an optional echo keyword for anatomical scans?

Anyway, the PD+T2 is a very common clinical acquisition and if nothing else it would be good to offer some concrete suggestions in the spec.