bids-standard / bids-validator

Validator for the Brain Imaging Data Structure
MIT License
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Errors reported incorrectly when handling too many files #2081

Open mateuszpawlik opened 1 month ago

mateuszpawlik commented 1 month ago

I'm executing BIDS Validator v1.14.8 on a large dataset (~800GB, ~4500 files). The validator reports incorrectly the following errors:

These values are present in the JSON files.

It seems that the validator doesn't consider the JSON files. Is it possible that I reach some limit. It's not memory because the validator executes and finishes.

When I bidsignore half of the subjects, the validation passes.

I'm happy to do more investigation but I'd need to know what.

mateuszpawlik commented 1 month ago

I understand that legacy validator may be of lower priority, but is there anything I can do to fix this?

effigies commented 1 month ago

I personally don't have any notion how to start investigating this. Are you also seeing the issue with the schema validator?

mateuszpawlik commented 1 month ago

If you mean the Deno based validator, I'm planning to execute it. I'm fetching the data now. Once I do it, I will report, but possible next week. Thanks.

mateuszpawlik commented 3 weeks ago

I've tried the Deno validator. It also reports weird issues for most of the files, which should not be reported. I checked some of the reported files manually and there should be no issue.

I used this command:

docker run -ti --rm -v $PWD:/data:ro denoland/deno deno run --allow-read --allow-env /data

I also get "[WARNING] The onset column in events.tsv files should be sorted. (EVENT_ONSET_ORDER)". My guess is, that this is because we have negative onsets at the beginning.

The number of files seems to be reported correctly in the summary of both validators: 4428 Files.

Update: These issues show even if I bidsignore all subjects but one.

mateuszpawlik commented 3 weeks ago

We had some invalid json files in the dataset. We new about them. Fixing them caused the legacy validator to work more as expected, not reporting the errors, which I listed originally. It did not help the issues reported by the Deno validator.

It seems that something is happening internally, which causes throwing other errors when some json files are invalid. I remember reading about similar issues. Are there maybe any errors set by default and reported when something else breaks?

effigies commented 3 weeks ago

I've tried the Deno validator. It also reports weird issues for most of the files, which should not be reported. I checked some of the reported files manually and there should be no issue.

I used this command:

docker run -ti --rm -v $PWD:/data:ro denoland/deno deno run --allow-read --allow-env /data

We've been making a bunch of fixes in the last week or so since that release, so can you re-test with:

deno run --reload -A

* [WARNING] NIfTI file's header field for dimension information is blank or too short. (NIFTI_DIMENSION)

This means that either dim[0] == 0 or min(dim[1:dim[0]]) <= 0. If that's not the case, that's a bug. If you could share the NIfTI header, I could test this. Simplest way to share:

python -c "import sys, nibabel; print(nibabel.load(sys.argv[1]).to_bytes()[:348])" <PATH>
* [WARNING] NIfTI file's header field for pixel dimension information is empty or too short. (NIFTI_PIXDIM)

min(pixdim[1:dim[0]]) <= 0

* [WARNING] A data file's JSON sidecar is missing a key listed as recommended. (SIDECAR_KEY_RECOMMENDED)

This is almost impossible not to have, and a result of the schema validator systematically reporting RECOMMENDED sidecar fields. It's going to be noisy because BIDS has a lot of these, but they've only been selectively applied in the legacy validator. (Preview: I'm going to be advocating for reducing many fields to OPTIONAL.)

* [ERROR] Repetition time did not match between the scan's header and the associated JSON metadata file. (REPETITION_TIME_MISMATCH)

This could be a rounding problem:

* [WARNING] You must define 'EchoTime' for this file. 'EchoTime' is the echo time (TE)
  for the acquisition, specified in seconds. (...)

This is a problem in the schema, I'm going to submit a patch today.

I also get "[WARNING] The onset column in events.tsv files should be sorted. (EVENT_ONSET_ORDER)". My guess is, that this is because we have negative onsets at the beginning.

This is surprising. I've just checked the sorting function and it should handle negative numbers fine. Would you open an issue with a failing file?

mateuszpawlik commented 3 weeks ago

Now I'm getting the following error with the legacy validator, which doesn't make sense to me, because why the json files in phenotype directory should be validated against a schema and have the listed properties.

[ERR] Invalid JSON file. The file is not formatted according the schema. (code: 55 - JSON_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_ERROR)
                        Invalid JSON file. The file is not formatted according the schema.
                        Evidence:  should have required property 'PixelSize'
                        Invalid JSON file. The file is not formatted according the schema.
                        Evidence:  should have required property 'PixelSizeUnits'

Please visit for existing conversations about this issue.
effigies commented 3 weeks ago

That looks like it's being picked up by a microscopy rule.

effigies commented 3 weeks ago

It seems that something is happening internally, which causes throwing other errors when some json files are invalid. I remember reading about similar issues. Are there maybe any errors set by default and reported when something else breaks?

I don't know about that, but I've only been tangentially involved in the legacy validator. @rwblair might remember something here?

mateuszpawlik commented 3 weeks ago

That looks like it's being picked up by a microscopy rule.

That is weird but thank you. Renaming the file resolves this issue but it's not really a solution.

mateuszpawlik commented 3 weeks ago

We've been making a bunch of fixes in the last week or so since that release, so can you re-test with:

deno run --reload -A

docker run -ti --rm -v $PWD:/data:ro denoland/deno deno run --allow-read --allow-env --reload -A /data
error: Relative import path "@std/path" not prefixed with / or ./ or ../

This issue grew too much :see_no_evil: We can split it.

effigies commented 3 weeks ago

Damn. Okay, apparently that method was disabled by #2077. Use

mateuszpawlik commented 3 weeks ago

I also get "[WARNING] The onset column in events.tsv files should be sorted. (EVENT_ONSET_ORDER)". My guess is, that this is because we have negative onsets at the beginning.

This is surprising. I've just checked the sorting function and it should handle negative numbers fine. Would you open an issue with a failing file?

This problem we actually found in our data :see_no_evil:

mateuszpawlik commented 3 weeks ago

Damn. Okay, apparently that method was disabled by #2077. Use

The command I used:

docker run -ti --rm -v $PWD:/data:ro denoland/deno deno run --allow-read --allow-env --reload -A /data
The entire output: ``` TypeError: Attempted to load JSON module without specifying "type": "json" attribute in the import statement. at async loadSchema ( at async validate ( at async main ( at async { code: "ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND" } Warning, could not load schema from, falling back to internal version [WARNING] TOO_FEW_AUTHORS The 'Authors' field of 'dataset_description.json' should contain an array of values - with one author per value. This was triggered based on the presence of only one author field. Please ignore if all contributors are already properly listed. /dataset_description.json Please visit for existing conversations about this issue. [WARNING] JSON_KEY_RECOMMENDED A JSON file is missing a key listed as recommended. License /dataset_description.json SourceDatasets /dataset_description.json Please visit for existing conversations about this issue. [WARNING] NO_AUTHORS The Authors field of dataset_description.json should contain an array of fields - with one author per field. This was triggered because there are no authors, which will make DOI registration from dataset metadata impossible. Authors /dataset_description.json Please visit for existing conversations about this issue. [WARNING] SIDECAR_KEY_RECOMMENDED A data file's JSON sidecar is missing a key listed as recommended. GradientSetType /sub-s001/ses-dwi/anat/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-hcpli_T1w.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/dwi/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-256dir_dir-AP_dwi.bval 2378 more files with the same issue MRTransmitCoilSequence /sub-s001/ses-dwi/anat/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-hcpli_T1w.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/dwi/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-256dir_dir-AP_dwi.bval 2378 more files with the same issue PulseSequenceType /sub-s001/ses-dwi/anat/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-hcpli_T1w.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/dwi/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-256dir_dir-AP_dwi.bval 2378 more files with the same issue MTState /sub-s001/ses-dwi/anat/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-hcpli_T1w.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/dwi/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-256dir_dir-AP_dwi.bval 2378 more files with the same issue SpoilingType /sub-s001/ses-dwi/anat/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-hcpli_T1w.nii /sub-s001/ses-mov/anat/sub-s001_ses-mov_acq-hcpli_T1w.nii 87 more files with the same issue NumberShots /sub-s001/ses-dwi/anat/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-hcpli_T1w.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/dwi/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-256dir_dir-AP_dwi.bval 2378 more files with the same issue ParallelReductionFactorOutOfPlane /sub-s001/ses-dwi/anat/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-hcpli_T1w.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/dwi/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-256dir_dir-AP_dwi.bval 2378 more files with the same issue ParallelAcquisitionTechnique /sub-s001/ses-dwi/anat/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-hcpli_T1w.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/dwi/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-256dir_dir-AP_dwi.bval 2378 more files with the same issue PartialFourierDirection /sub-s001/ses-dwi/anat/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-hcpli_T1w.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/dwi/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-256dir_dir-AP_dwi.bval 2378 more files with the same issue EffectiveEchoSpacing /sub-s001/ses-dwi/anat/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-hcpli_T1w.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/fmap/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-gefmsl56_magnitude1.nii 625 more files with the same issue MixingTime /sub-s001/ses-dwi/anat/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-hcpli_T1w.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/dwi/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-256dir_dir-AP_dwi.bval 2378 more files with the same issue PhaseEncodingDirection /sub-s001/ses-dwi/anat/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-hcpli_T1w.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv 385 more files with the same issue TotalReadoutTime /sub-s001/ses-dwi/anat/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-hcpli_T1w.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/fmap/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-gefmsl56_magnitude1.nii 625 more files with the same issue MultibandAccelerationFactor /sub-s001/ses-dwi/anat/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-hcpli_T1w.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/dwi/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-256dir_dir-AP_sbref.nii 575 more files with the same issue SpoilingState /sub-s001/ses-dwi/dwi/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-256dir_dir-AP_dwi.bval /sub-s001/ses-dwi/dwi/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-256dir_dir-AP_dwi.bvec 2289 more files with the same issue ParallelReductionFactorInPlane /sub-s001/ses-dwi/dwi/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-256dir_dir-AP_dwi.bval /sub-s001/ses-dwi/dwi/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-256dir_dir-AP_dwi.bvec 749 more files with the same issue InversionTime /sub-s001/ses-dwi/dwi/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-256dir_dir-AP_dwi.bval /sub-s001/ses-dwi/dwi/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-256dir_dir-AP_dwi.bvec 2307 more files with the same issue SliceEncodingDirection /sub-s001/ses-dwi/dwi/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-256dir_dir-AP_dwi.bval /sub-s001/ses-dwi/dwi/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-256dir_dir-AP_dwi.bvec 1973 more files with the same issue ScanOptions /sub-s001/ses-dwi/fmap/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-gefmsl56_magnitude1.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/fmap/sub-s001_ses-dwi_acq-gefmsl56_magnitude2.nii 536 more files with the same issue NumberOfVolumesDiscardedByScanner /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_echo-1_bold.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_echo-2_bold.nii 1538 more files with the same issue DelayTime /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_echo-1_bold.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_echo-2_bold.nii 1538 more files with the same issue AcquisitionDuration /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_echo-1_bold.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_echo-2_bold.nii 1538 more files with the same issue DelayAfterTrigger /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_echo-1_bold.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_echo-2_bold.nii 1538 more files with the same issue Instructions /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_echo-1_bold.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_echo-2_bold.nii 1854 more files with the same issue TaskDescription /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_echo-1_bold.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_echo-2_bold.nii 1854 more files with the same issue CogAtlasID /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_echo-1_bold.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_echo-2_bold.nii 1854 more files with the same issue CogPOID /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_echo-1_bold.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_echo-2_bold.nii 1854 more files with the same issue TaskName /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv 630 more files with the same issue InstitutionName /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv 630 more files with the same issue InstitutionAddress /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv 630 more files with the same issue InstitutionalDepartmentName /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv 630 more files with the same issue StimulusPresentation /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-2_events.tsv 314 more files with the same issue Manufacturer /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-2_events.tsv 314 more files with the same issue ManufacturersModelName /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-2_events.tsv 314 more files with the same issue DeviceSerialNumber /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-2_events.tsv 314 more files with the same issue StationName /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-2_events.tsv 314 more files with the same issue SoftwareVersions /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-2_events.tsv 314 more files with the same issue MagneticFieldStrength /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-2_events.tsv 314 more files with the same issue ReceiveCoilName /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-2_events.tsv 314 more files with the same issue ReceiveCoilActiveElements /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-2_events.tsv 314 more files with the same issue MatrixCoilMode /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-2_events.tsv 314 more files with the same issue CoilCombinationMethod /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-2_events.tsv 314 more files with the same issue ScanningSequence /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-2_events.tsv 314 more files with the same issue SequenceVariant /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-2_events.tsv 314 more files with the same issue SequenceName /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-2_events.tsv 314 more files with the same issue PulseSequenceDetails /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-2_events.tsv 314 more files with the same issue PartialFourier /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-2_events.tsv 314 more files with the same issue DwellTime /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-2_events.tsv 314 more files with the same issue FlipAngle /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-2_events.tsv 314 more files with the same issue Please visit for existing conversations about this issue. [WARNING] ECHO_TIME_NOT_DEFINED You must define 'EchoTime' for this file. 'EchoTime' is the echo time (TE) for the acquisition, specified in seconds. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 0081 Echo Time (please note that the DICOM term is in milliseconds not seconds). The data type number may apply to files from any MRI modality concerned with a single value for this field, or to the files in a file collection where the value of this field is iterated using the echo entity. The data type array provides a value for each volume in a 4D dataset and should only be used when the volume timing is critical for interpretation of the data, such as in ASL or variable echo time fMRI sequences. EchoTime /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-2_events.tsv 314 more files with the same issue Please visit for existing conversations about this issue. [WARNING] SUSPICIOUSLY_LONG_EVENT_DESIGN The onset of the last event is after the total duration of the corresponding scan. This design is suspiciously long. /sub-s001/ses-mov/func/sub-s001_ses-mov_task-moviepc_acq-mb4mesl56_echo-1_bold.nii /sub-s001/ses-mov/func/sub-s001_ses-mov_task-moviepc_acq-mb4mesl56_echo-2_bold.nii 74 more files with the same issue Please visit for existing conversations about this issue. [WARNING] EVENT_ONSET_ORDER The onset column in events.tsv files should be sorted. /sub-s008/ses-dwi/func/sub-s008_ses-dwi_task-vw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_events.tsv /sub-s008/ses-dwi/func/sub-s008_ses-dwi_task-vw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-2_events.tsv 122 more files with the same issue Please visit for existing conversations about this issue. [ERROR] PARTICIPANT_ID_MISMATCH Participant labels found in this dataset did not match the values in participant_id column found in the participants.tsv file. /participants.tsv Please visit for existing conversations about this issue. [ERROR] REPETITION_TIME_MISMATCH Repetition time did not match between the scan's header and the associated JSON metadata file. /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_echo-1_bold.nii /sub-s001/ses-dwi/func/sub-s001_ses-dwi_task-aw_acq-mb4mesl56_run-1_echo-2_bold.nii 1538 more files with the same issue Please visit for existing conversations about this issue. Summary: Available Tasks: Available Modalities: 4428 Files, 669 GB aw MRI 23 - Subjects 4 - Sessions rest vw moviehcp1 moviepc If you have any questions, please post on ```

The NIFTI header warnings are not there anymore.

We are aware of some of the issues but some seem not right:

effigies commented 3 weeks ago

Agreed, it looks like the schema needs tightening up to avoid trying to apply sidecar rules for data files to events.tsv.

mateuszpawlik commented 3 weeks ago

@effigies, thank you for all your help. Many things happened in this issue. I'm wandering how to proceed. Feel free to rename this issue to reflect more its contents.

As a summary, from my side I see the following remaining problems:

  1. Legacy validator reports "random" errors when JSON files are invalid. For me it was three JSON files in ./phenotype directory.
  2. Legacy validator treats ./phenotype/ASR.json file as microscopy file and reports missing properties. This JSON file is valid. Renaming this file solves the issue.
  3. Deno validator applies sidecar rules to *events.tsv files.
  4. Deno validator reports REPETITION_TIME_MISMATCH although the values are equal.

Please let me know if you'd like me to report anything else or open separate issues for any of these problems.