I need to install two OGG clients on one db host with one version (12.1.2):
/app/gg/lx and /app/gg/ps.
Ports: 7809, 6809.
I guess we verify of the version in the following code:
db_directory_structure{"oracle goldengate structure ${version}":
ensure => present,
oracle_base_dir => $oracle_base,
ora_inventory_dir => $ora_inventory,
download_dir => $download_dir,
os_user => $user,
os_group => $group_install,
Please, suggest me how can I install OGG with same versions twice on one host.
Hello Edwin,
Today I got an issue about duplicate using OGG with one class:
--- Caused by: ---
07:38:28 # Puppet::Resource::Catalog::DuplicateResourceError: 07:38:28 # Duplicate declaration: Db_directory_structure[oracle goldengate structure 12.1.2] is already declared at (file: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/controlrepo-unit-tests/workspace/spec/fixtures/modules/oradb/manifests/goldengate.pp, line: 103); cannot redeclare (file: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/controlrepo-unit-tests/workspace/spec/fixtures/modules/oradb/manifests/goldengate.pp, line: 103)
I need to install two OGG clients on one db host with one version (12.1.2): /app/gg/lx and /app/gg/ps. Ports: 7809, 6809.
I guess we verify of the version in the following code: db_directory_structure{"oracle goldengate structure ${version}": ensure => present, oracle_base_dir => $oracle_base, ora_inventory_dir => $ora_inventory, download_dir => $download_dir, os_user => $user, os_group => $group_install, }
Please, suggest me how can I install OGG with same versions twice on one host.
Thank you in advance! DBA, Ruslan