biemond / docker-database-puppet

Oracle Database Standard Edition Docker image with puppet 3.7 on CentOS 6
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No space left on device while `docker build` #3

Closed wwarlock closed 9 years ago

wwarlock commented 9 years ago

The command docker build -t oracle/database12101 . throwed error.

Step 15 : COPY /software/                                                           
Untar re-exec error: exit status 1: output: write /software/ no space left on device

That strange because of space is enough on my disk, so that error is in the docker image.

10:30:44 wwarlock@Pc-2 docker-database-puppet git:(master)$ df -h                                                    
Файловая система Размер Использовано  Дост Использовано% Cмонтировано в                                              
C:                 466G         144G  323G           31% /cygdrive/c                                                 

Need advice how to fix it.

biemond commented 9 years ago

Are you using boot2docker ? if so you need to enlarge this iso. There are some great sites explaining this.

Else you can use this vagrant image box-cutter/ubuntu1404-docker with vbox or vmware fusion this VM one has a big disk for docker


wwarlock commented 9 years ago

Thank you very much. It was helpfull. I think you should include this info into the readme.

wwarlock commented 9 years ago

Oh, you've already this has, but it located at the end. I think you need relocate this to the start, or make link to it from start.