biemond / puppet

Puppet modules
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SLES support #13

Closed aboe76 closed 10 years ago

aboe76 commented 10 years ago

Is it possible to add Suse Linux Enterprise Support with your modules?

biemond commented 10 years ago


Can you send me the exact operatingsystem fact value of suse enterprise then I will add this to all the manifests. Hope you can test it for me. I think it should work but if not you can send me the required fixes.


aboe76 commented 10 years ago


Here are the puppet facts for a suse linux enterprise 11 sp2 machine.

operatingsystemrelease sles versions: sles 11 without updates: 11.0 sles 11 sp1: 11.1 sles 11 sp2: 11.2 sles 11 sp3: 11.3

init system: sysv init with chkconfig support

All information:

## os information
lsbdistcodename => n/a
lsbdistdescription => SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64)
lsbdistid => SUSE LINUX
lsbdistrelease => 11
lsbmajdistrelease => 11
lsbrelease => n/a
operatingsystem => SLES
operatingsystemrelease => 11.2
osfamily => Suse

## puppet information
pe_major_version => 2
pe_minor_version => 8
pe_patch_version => 2
pe_version => 2.8.2
puppetversion => 2.7.21 (Puppet Enterprise 2.8.2)

## kernel information
kernel => Linux
kernelmajversion => 3.0
kernelrelease => 3.0.34-0.7-default
kerneltype => default
kernelversion => 3.0.34
biemond commented 10 years ago


just to be sure when you look at the $operatingsystem fact in puppet ( puppet dashboard ) do you get these suse or sles as values plus is it in uppercase


aboe76 commented 10 years ago

Hi Edwin,

This is true, $operatingsystem fact is SLES all uppercase. I double checked, in dashboard and in facter.

2013/8/4 Edwin Biemond


just to be sure when you look at the $operatingsystem fact in puppet ( puppet dashboard ) do you get these suse or sles as values plus is it in uppercase


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biemond commented 10 years ago

Thanks, Will add this tomorrow to all my modules.

Can you test it from github


aboe76 commented 10 years ago

Will do. Op 4 aug. 2013 10:10 schreef "Edwin Biemond" het volgende:

Thanks, Will add this tomorrow to all my modules.

Can you test it from github


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biemond commented 10 years ago

Done, you can test it

aboe76 commented 10 years ago

on jdk7: install7.pp line 17 missing SLES

on wls test run: installwls.pp line 216 missing SLES operatingsystem.

biemond commented 10 years ago


I forgot some more in the wls module but in JDK7 I don't know what is setting the java default params in SLES.


aboe76 commented 10 years ago

Java default is the same as debian update-alternatives Op 5 aug. 2013 23:27 schreef "Edwin Biemond" het volgende:


I forgot some more in the wls module but in JDK7 I don't know what is setting the java default params in SLES.


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aboe76 commented 10 years ago

Edwin, the Suse Linux Enterprise command is update-alternatives, not alternatives, so the case statement for SLES needs to be on the debian side...not the redhat side... this is only in the javaexec.pp part..

biemond commented 10 years ago


you can re-test it now.

aboe76 commented 10 years ago

It works, got a working weblogic 12.1.1 application server with a adminserver running. only issue is the exec and notify's keep running

notice: wls::installwls 11gPS5 /opt/oracle/wls/Middleware11gR1 already exists
notice: /Stage[main]/Ehealthserver/Wls::Installwls[11gPS5]/Notify[wls::installwls 11gPS5 /opt/oracle/wls/Middleware11gR1 already exists]/message: defined 'message' as 'wls::installwls 11gPS5 /opt/oracle/wls/Middleware11gR1 already exists'
notice: wls::installwls 1211
notice: /Stage[main]/Ehealthserver/Wls::Installwls[11gPS5]/Notify[wls::installwls 1211]/message: defined 'message' as 'wls::installwls 1211'
notice: install7.pp jdk1.7.0_25 7u25
notice: /Stage[main]/Ehealthserver/Jdk7::Install7[jdk1.7.0_25]/Notify[install7.pp jdk1.7.0_25 7u25]/message: defined 'message' as 'install7.pp jdk1.7.0_25 7u25'
notice: wls::wlsdomain eHealthDomain /opt/oracle/wls/Middleware11gR1/user_projects/domains/eHealthDomain 1211 already exists
notice: /Stage[main]/Ehealthserver/Wls::Wlsdomain[eHealthDomain]/Notify[wls::wlsdomain eHealthDomain /opt/oracle/wls/Middleware11gR1/user_projects/domains/eHealthDomain 1211 already exists]/message: defined 'message' as 'wls::wlsdomain eHealthDomain /opt/oracle/wls/Middleware11gR1/user_projects/domains/eHealthDomain 1211 already exists'
notice: Domain eHealthDomain wlHome /opt/oracle/wls/Middleware11gR1/wlserver_12.1
notice: /Stage[main]/Ehealthserver/Wls::Wlsdomain[eHealthDomain]/Notify[Domain eHealthDomain wlHome /opt/oracle/wls/Middleware11gR1/wlserver_12.1]/message: defined 'message' as 'Domain eHealthDomain wlHome /opt/oracle/wls/Middleware11gR1/wlserver_12.1'
notice: /Stage[main]/Ehealthserver/Jdk7::Install7[jdk1.7.0_25]/Javaexec[jdkexec jdk1.7.0_25 7u25]/Exec[set urandom jdk1.7.0_25]/returns: executed successfully
notice: /Stage[main]/Ehealthserver/Jdk7::Install7[jdk1.7.0_25]/Javaexec[jdkexec jdk1.7.0_25 7u25]/Exec[default java alternatives jdk1.7.0_25]/returns: executed successfully
notice: Finished catalog run in 15.93 seconds

so it looks like a missing unless statement:

        Ubuntu, Debian, SLES:{
                # set the java default
          exec { "default java alternatives ${fullversion}":
            command => "update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/${fullversion}/bin/java 17065",
            unless  => "update-alternatives --list java | /bin/grep ${fullversion}",
            require => File['/usr/java/default'],

and I changed the onlyif statement:

      exec { "set urandom ${fullversion}":
        command => "sed -i -e's/securerandom.source=file:\/dev\/urandom/securerandom.source=file:\/dev\/.\/urandom/g' /usr/java/${fullversion}/jre/lib/security/",
        unless  => "/bin/grep '^securerandom.source=file:/dev/./urandom' /usr/java/${fullversion}/jre/lib/security/",
        require => Exec["extract java ${fullversion}"],
biemond commented 10 years ago

Thanks a lot , I also noticed this and fixed this with your code Very much appreciated .
