Open michaeljohnbennett opened 10 years ago
thanks for reporting this. the rsp errors are fixed in the latest version of oradb
Don't know if this works in ubuntu but maybe you can create a swap file
exec { "create swap file": command => "/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.1 bs=1M count=8192", creates => "/var/swap.1", }
exec { "attach swap file": command => "/sbin/mkswap /var/swap.1 && /sbin/swapon /var/swap.1", require => Exec["create swap file"], unless => "/sbin/swapon -s | grep /var/swap.1", }
exec {"add swapfile entry to fstab": command => "/bin/echo >>/etc/fstab /var/swap.1 swap swap defaults 0 0", require => Exec["attach swap file"], user => root, unless => "/bin/grep '^/var/swap.1' /etc/fstab 2>/dev/null", }
The new file does help now thanks for that, I had to add a lot of extra pre stuff like setting up swap etc to get it to work better and that has resolved the out of memory errors when unzipping and copying.
However I try to install using this setup on an ubuntu 14.04.1LTS Server and when I start the VM I can't get the tns listener to start. I have the installdb call and it all appears to work properly but when I call lsnrctl it just blanks. Is installing oracle EE on Ubuntu a total no-no? I can get the XE edition working on a 14.04LTS desktop ok.
Oradb::Net[config net8]/Exec[install oracle net config net8]/returns:
Oradb::Net[config net8]/Exec[install oracle net config net8]/returns: Parsing command line arguments:
Oradb::Net[config net8]/Exec[install oracle net config net8]/returns: Parameter "silent" = true
Oradb::Net[config net8]/Exec[install oracle net config net8]/returns: Parameter "responsefile" = /install/netca_11.2.rsp
Oradb::Net[config net8]/Exec[install oracle net config net8]/returns: Done parsing command line arguments.
Oradb::Net[config net8]/Exec[install oracle net config net8]/returns: Oracle Net Services Configuration:
Oradb::Net[config net8]/Exec[install oracle net config net8]/returns: Configuring Listener:LISTENER
Oradb::Net[config net8]/Exec[install oracle net config net8]/returns: Listener configuration complete.
Oradb::Net[config net8]/Exec[install oracle net config net8]/returns: Oracle Net Listener Startup:
Oradb::Net[config net8]/Exec[install oracle net config net8]/returns: Running Listener Control:
Oradb::Net[config net8]/Exec[install oracle net config net8]/returns: /opt/oracle/product/11.2/db/bin/lsnrctl start LISTENER
Oradb::Net[config net8]/Exec[install oracle net config net8]/returns: Listener Control complete.
Oradb::Net[config net8]/Exec[install oracle net config net8]/returns: Listener started successfully.
Oradb::Net[config net8]/Exec[install oracle net config net8]/returns: Profile configuration complete.
Oradb::Net[config net8]/Exec[install oracle net config net8]/returns: Oracle Net Services configuration successful. The exit code is 0
Oradb::Net[config net8]/Exec[install oracle net config net8]/returns: executed successfully
Debug: Exec[listener start start listener](provider=posix): Executing check '/bin/ps -ef | grep -v grep | /bin/grep '/opt/oracle/product/11.2/db/bin/tnslsnr''
Debug: Executing '/bin/ps -ef | grep -v grep | /bin/grep '/opt/oracle/product/11.2/db/bin/tnslsnr''
Debug: Exec[listener start start listener](provider=posix): Executing '/opt/oracle/product/11.2/db/bin/lsnrctl start'
Debug: Executing '/opt/oracle/product/11.2/db/bin/lsnrctl start'
Notice: Oradb::Listener[start listener]/Exec[listener start start listener]/returns: executed successfully
Debug: Oradb::Listener[start listener]/Exec[listener start start listener]: The container Oradb::Listener[start listener] will propagate my refresh event
Debug: Oradb::Listener[start listener]: The container Class[Cpmdb::Installoracle11g] will propagate my refresh event
Debug: Exec[install oracle database cpmdb_create](provider=posix): Executing 'dbca -silent -responseFile /install/database_cpmdb_create.rsp'
Debug: Executing 'dbca -silent -responseFile /install/database_cpmdb_create.rsp'
Notice: Oradb::Database[cpmdb_create]/Exec[install oracle database cpmdb_create]/returns: Copying database files
Notice: Oradb::Database[cpmdb_create]/Exec[install oracle database cpmdb_create]/returns: 1% complete
Notice: Oradb::Database[cpmdb_create]/Exec[install oracle database cpmdb_create]/returns: Creating and starting Oracle instance
Notice: Oradb::Database[cpmdb_create]/Exec[install oracle database cpmdb_create]/returns: Completing Database Creation
Notice: Oradb::Database[cpmdb_create]/Exec[install oracle database cpmdb_create]/returns: Completing Database Creation
Notice: Oradb::Database[cpmdb_create]/Exec[install oracle database cpmdb_create]/returns: 100% complete
Notice: Oradb::Database[cpmdb_create]/Exec[install oracle database cpmdb_create]/returns: Look at the log file "/opt/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/orcl/orcl.log" for further details.
Notice: Oradb::Database[cpmdb_create]/Exec[install oracle database cpmdb_create]/returns: executed successfully
Debug: Oradb::Database[cpmdb_create]/Exec[install oracle database cpmdb_create]: The container Oradb::Database[cpmdb_create] will propagate my refresh event
Debug: Oradb::Database[cpmdb_create]: The container Class[Cpmdb::Installoracle11g] will propagate my refresh event
Debug: Exec[start oracle database start cpmdb](provider=posix): Executing check '/bin/ps -ef | grep -v grep | /bin/grep 'ora_smon_orcl''
Debug: Executing '/bin/ps -ef | grep -v grep | /bin/grep 'ora_smon_orcl''
Debug: Exec[start oracle database start cpmdb](provider=posix): Executing 'sqlplus /nolog <<-EOF
connect / as sysdba
Debug: Executing 'sqlplus /nolog <<-EOF
connect / as sysdba
Notice: Oradb::Dbactions[start cpmdb]/Exec[start oracle database start cpmdb]/returns:
Notice: Oradb::Dbactions[start cpmdb]/Exec[start oracle database start cpmdb]/returns: SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Aug 21 07:12:51 2014
Notice: Oradb::Dbactions[start cpmdb]/Exec[start oracle database start cpmdb]/returns:
Notice: Oradb::Dbactions[start cpmdb]/Exec[start oracle database start cpmdb]/returns: Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Notice: Oradb::Dbactions[start cpmdb]/Exec[start oracle database start cpmdb]/returns:
Notice: Oradb::Dbactions[start cpmdb]/Exec[start oracle database start cpmdb]/returns: SQL> ERROR:
Notice: Oradb::Dbactions[start cpmdb]/Exec[start oracle database start cpmdb]/returns: ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact
Notice: Oradb::Dbactions[start cpmdb]/Exec[start oracle database start cpmdb]/returns:
Notice: Oradb::Dbactions[start cpmdb]/Exec[start oracle database start cpmdb]/returns: SQL> ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact
Notice: Oradb::Dbactions[start cpmdb]/Exec[start oracle database start cpmdb]/returns: SQL>
Notice: Oradb::Dbactions[start cpmdb]/Exec[start oracle database start cpmdb]/returns: executed successfully
Thanks again for the quick reply, I have been trying to fix it unsuccessfully for the last few days now!
Did you install the required packages , set ulimits and kernel parameters ( described in the oradb ), disable iptables and SElinux
maybe you try oracle from edelivery or from OTN because is getting old( I heard others who had the same listener issue with and you got a brand new OS
I don't know how to disable the iptables or SElinux elements
I'll try with from.
I have the following two files made up to do the pre-config
class oradb::preparation{
package {
ensure => installed;
exec { 'preparation output':
path => '/bin',
command => 'echo packages done!',
logoutput => true,
exec {
"create swapfile":
# Needs to be 2 times the memory
command => "/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=4096",
user => root,
creates => "/swapfile";
"set up swapfile":
command => "/sbin/mkswap /swapfile",
require => Exec["create swapfile"],
user => root,
unless => "/usr/bin/file /swapfile | grep 'swap file' 2>/dev/null";
"enable swapfile":
command => "/sbin/swapon /swapfile",
require => Exec["set up swapfile"],
user => root,
unless => "/bin/cat /proc/swaps | grep '^/swapfile' 2>/dev/null";
"add swapfile entry to fstab":
command => "/bin/echo >>/etc/fstab /swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0",
user => root,
unless => "/bin/grep '^/swapfile' /etc/fstab 2>/dev/null";
} ->
exec { 'swapfile output':
path => '/bin',
command => 'echo swapfile done!',
logoutput => true,
file {
mode => 600,
owner => root,
group => root,
require => Exec['create swapfile'];
#setup kernel params
sysctl { 'kernel.msgmnb': ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '65536',}
sysctl { 'kernel.msgmax': ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '65536',}
sysctl { 'kernel.shmmax': ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '2588483584',}
sysctl { 'kernel.shmall': ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '2097152',}
sysctl { 'fs.file-max': ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '6815744',}
sysctl { 'net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time': ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '1800',}
sysctl { 'net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl': ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '30',}
sysctl { 'net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes': ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '5',}
sysctl { 'net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout': ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '30',}
sysctl { 'kernel.shmmni': ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '4096', }
sysctl { 'fs.aio-max-nr': ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '1048576',}
sysctl { 'kernel.sem': ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '250 32000 100 128',}
sysctl { 'net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range': ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '9000 65500',}
sysctl { 'net.core.rmem_default': ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '262144',}
sysctl { 'net.core.rmem_max': ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '4194304', }
sysctl { 'net.core.wmem_default': ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '262144',}
sysctl { 'net.core.wmem_max': ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '1048576',}
and then I have this:
class oradb::fixlinkproblem{
exec{"fix link problem step 1":
command => "/bin/ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib64",
creates => "/usr/lib64/x86_64-linux-gnu";
"fix link problem step 2":
command => "/bin/ln -sf /bin/bash /bin/sh";
"fix link problem step 3":
command => "/bin/ln -s /usr/bin/awk /bin/awk",
creates => "/bin/awk";
"fix link problem step 4":
command => "/bin/ln -s /usr/bin/rpm /bin/rpm",
creates => "/bin/rpm";
"fix link problem step 5":
command => "/bin/ln -s /usr/bin/basename /bin/basename",
creates => "/bin/basename";
"fix link problem step 6":
command => "/bin/ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ .",
creates => "/lib64/",
cwd => "/lib64";
Where or how do I disable the other elements?
Do you know a stable Ubuntu version 12/13 that I could get on if this doesn't work?
and then in my main class I have this as its dependant on the oracle user being created:
class { 'limits':
config => {
'*' => { 'nofile' => { soft => '2048' , hard => '8192', },},
'oracle' => { 'nofile' => { soft => '65536' , hard => '65536', },
'nproc' => { soft => '2048' , hard => '16384', },
'stack' => { soft => '10240' ,},},
use_hiera => false,
require => Oradb::Installdb['112010_Linux-x86-64']
When I look at this you also need to do many fixes in the mk files which is hard to automate. In the end it is not supported by Oracle and probably you will get a lot of issues
yeah that looks terrible... What would be the best platform/OS to build this on then? Oracle Linux or RedHat for Oracle or
Just use CentOS 6.5 ( its opensource) or Oracle Linux 6.5 or RedHat6.5 probably fedora will also work
Hi there, I have been working on these modules and have had a few issues when trying to use these modules via vagrant.
I am using vagrant 1.5.2
When its trying to copy or unzip the install zip's it gets a fork error out of memory, I'm trying to push to an ubuntu 14.04LTS instance with 2GB ram but I think its ruby running out of memory when it copies, how did you get this to work properly?
So I worked around it and copied the database files manually to the /install folder but I get the following errors when it tries to install:
Debug: /Stage[main]/Cpmdb::Installoracle11g/Oradb::Installdb[112010_Linux-x86-64]/File[/install/db_install_11.2.0.1.rsp]: The container Oradb::Installdb[112010_Linux-x86-64] will propagate my refresh event
Debug: Execinstall oracle database 112010_Linux-x86-64: Executing '/bin/sh -c 'unset DISPLAY;/install/linux.x64_11gR2_database/database/runInstaller -silent -waitforcompletion -ignoreSysPrereqs -ignorePrereq -responseFile /install/db_install_11.2.0.1.rsp''
Debug: Executing '/bin/sh -c 'unset DISPLAY;/install/linux.x64_11gR2_database/database/runInstaller -silent -waitforcompletion -ignoreSysPrereqs -ignorePrereq -responseFile /install/db_install_11.2.0.1.rsp''
Notice: /Stage[main]/Cpmdb::Installoracle11g/Oradb::Installdb[112010_Linux-x86-64]/Exec[install oracle database 1120 10_Linux-x86-64]/returns: Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
Notice: /Stage[main]/Cpmdb::Installoracle11g/Oradb::Installdb[112010_Linux-x86-64]/Exec[install oracle database 1120 10_Linux-x86-64]/returns:
Notice: /Stage[main]/Cpmdb::Installoracle11g/Oradb::Installdb[112010_Linux-x86-64]/Exec[install oracle database 1120 10_Linux-x86-64]/returns: Checking Temp space: must be greater than 120 MB. Actual 67819 MB Passed
Notice: /Stage[main]/Cpmdb::Installoracle11g/Oradb::Installdb[112010_Linux-x86-64]/Exec[install oracle database 1120 10_Linux-x86-64]/returns: Checking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB. Actual 166 MB Passed
Notice: /Stage[main]/Cpmdb::Installoracle11g/Oradb::Installdb[112010_Linux-x86-64]/Exec[install oracle database 1120 10_Linux-x86-64]/returns: Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2014-08-19_05-54-56PM. Please wait ...[FATAL] [INS-10105] The given response file /install/db_install_11.2.0.1.rsp is not valid.
Notice: /Stage[main]/Cpmdb::Installoracle11g/Oradb::Installdb[112010_Linux-x86-64]/Exec[install oracle database 1120 10_Linux-x86-64]/returns: CAUSE: Syntactically incorrect response file. Either unexpected variables are specified or expected variables are not specified in the response file.
Notice: /Stage[main]/Cpmdb::Installoracle11g/Oradb::Installdb[112010_Linux-x86-64]/Exec[install oracle database 1120 10_Linux-x86-64]/returns: ACTION: Refer the latest product specific response file template
Notice: /Stage[main]/Cpmdb::Installoracle11g/Oradb::Installdb[112010_Linux-x86-64]/Exec[install oracle database 1120 10_Linux-x86-64]/returns: SUMMARY:
Notice: /Stage[main]/Cpmdb::Installoracle11g/Oradb::Installdb[112010_Linux-x86-64]/Exec[install oracle database 1120 10_Linux-x86-64]/returns: - cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'oracle.i nstall.db.EEOptionsSelection'. One of '{"":oracle.install.option, "":INVENTORY_LOCATION, "":UNIX_GROUP_NAME, "":orac le.install.db.InstallEdition, "":ORACLE_HOME, "":oracle.install.db.DBA_GROUP, "":oracle.install.db.isCustomInstall, "":oracle.install.db.customComponents, "":oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.SID, "":oracle.install.db.config.starte rdb.memoryLimit, "":oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.enableSecuritySettings, "":oracle.install.db.config.starterdb .password.SYS, "":oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.password.SYSMAN, "":oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.password .SYSTEM, "":oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.automatedBackup.enable, "":oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.automat edBackup.osuid, "":oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.automatedBackup.ospwd, "":DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES, "":MYORACL
It looks like the response file is missing params or has not got all the params filled in. I just downloaded the files for linux.x64_11gR2_database this morning from OTN.
Has anyone any ideas on how to amend the response file or adjust the way I run the manifest?
My manifest is below which is ostensibly a copy from the readme:
oradb::installdb{ '112010_Linux-x86-64': version => '', file => "linux.x64_11gR2_database",
databaseType => 'SE', eeOptionsSelection => true, eeOptionalComponents => 'oracle.rdbms.partitioning:', oracleBase => '/oracle', oracleHome => '/oracle/product/11.2/db', createUser => true, user => 'oracle', group => 'dba', group_install => 'oinstall', group_oper => 'oper', downloadDir => '/install', zipExtract => false, }
Thanks in advance