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Getting Permission errror, Access is denied when flashing ST17H66 #23

Closed gammadog808 closed 11 months ago

gammadog808 commented 12 months ago

Hi guys, As requested by Biemster, I made my own thread on this.

I'm trying to flash a ST17H66(in windows), looks to be the same from the first post. When I run the flash program, wait a few seconds and apply 3v3 to the board, I get this error in python:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\dit\FindMy-monterey\Lenze_ST17H66\", line 80, in res = File "C:\dit\venv\lib\site-packages\serial\", line 295, in read raise SerialException("GetOverlappedResult failed ({!r})".format(ctypes.WinError())) serial.serialutil.SerialException: GetOverlappedResult failed (PermissionError(13, 'Access is denied.', None, 5))

Not sure why I get this error - I'm logged in as thee administrator, ran pycharm(or cmd) as admin, but no dice. Even moved the default COM port on the usb flasher, still no luck.

Modified the COM line in the .py:

uart = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600, timeout=0.01, inter_byte_timeout=0.01)

uart = serial.Serial('COM6', 9600, timeout=0.01, inter_byte_timeout=0.01)

BTW, I'm using the Monterey branch and newer 3.9/ versions of python.

Any ideas?

gammadog808 commented 12 months ago

I should also add that I have hooked up putty to the device and it doesn't complain of port being used, so that's not the issue.

Also, when connecting to putty and I connect the TXD and RXD, I do get funky characters but it pumps something whenever I retouch the pads. However, as soon as I connect power, putty kicks me out with an error along the lines with you can't do that(error with serial interface).

So, maybe it's a windows setting, etc? If so, I'm unaware what it could be - I looked in device manager and messed with a few settings, but same output.

I also just disabled my antivirus(sentinel one) in hopes that maybe it's blocking it, but nope.

gammadog808 commented 12 months ago

Also wanted to mention, for ground and power, I'm using the connectors on the bottom vs the pads on the top.

Don't think it matters, but figured I'd throw it out there. I did notice that if I just apply power to the board with TXD and RXD disconnected, putty will give me the same connection error. Maybe it's the board?

Power and ground is coming from the usb flasher.

gammadog808 commented 12 months ago

I think I got a little further. I saw someone saying they used the 5v connection. Since I have a few to work with, I gave it a shot. With putty and the program, I don't get the access problem.

Now, my question is what output should I see/expect to happen? Does anyone have a sample output or tell me what I should expect? I run, use the hashed adv key from the .key file and pass it as a parameter to

biemster commented 12 months ago

The output should have a lot of #OK lines, so if you are not sure it's working, it's definitely not. It's possible that your USB UART does not provide enough power to the st17h66 to flash it, what's the chip on your dongle?

gammadog808 commented 12 months ago

Biemster, These are the flashers I'm using, basically a CH340 chip:

Here's the output of one without the adv key. Strangely, I had to keep connecting the power from the tag to move from line to line:

python Usage: Using default key instead Start of new ihex section found, assuming ER_ROM_XIP Start of new ihex section found, assuming JUMP_TABLE Start of new ihex section found, assuming ER_IROM1 b'\x03\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff8\x18' ... b'\x00\x008\x18\xff\x1f\xff\xff\xff\xff', len 304 sum 67861 b'\x88p' ... b'\x0c\x04' ... b'\x0c;' b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01E\xff\x1f Q' ... b'E^\x02\x11\xe8\x01\x18\x00\x00\x00', len 16160 sum 1385258 b'\x03\xb4\x01H\x01\x90\x01\xbd\xad\xae' ... b'\x01\x01\x01\x01\x03\x03\x02\x01\x03\x00', len 28808 sum 2778341 key: b'\x11"3DUfw\x88\x99\xaa\xbb\xcc\xdd\xef\xfe\xdd\xcc\xbb\xaa\x99\x88wfUD3"\x11' b'\x00' b'cmd>>:' RESET MODE activated. Changing baudrate to 115200 Erase + Write sent b'er512' Response is: b'#OK>>:' sent b'rdrev+' Response is: b'0x0012600b 6222M005 #OK>>:' sent b'wrreg4000c890 ab000001 ' Response is: b'#OK>>:' sent b'wrreg4000c838 ff010005 ' Response is: b'#OK>>:' sent b'spifs 0 1 3 0 ' Response is: b'#OK>>:' sent b'sfmod 2 2 ' Response is: b'#OK>>:' sent b'cpnum ffffffff ' Response is: b'#OK>>:' sent b'cpbin c0 002000 130 11002000' Response is: b'by hex mode:' sent c0 (len=304) Response is: b'checksum is: 0x00010915' sent checksum Response is: b'#OK>>:' sent b'cpbin c1 005000 3f20 11005000' Response is: b'by hex mode:' sent c1 (len=16160) Response is: b'checksum is: 0x0015232a' sent checksum Response is: b'#OK>>:' sent b'cpbin c2 020000 7088 11020000' Response is: b'by hex mode:' sent c2 (len=28808) Response is: b'checksum is: 0x002a64e5' sent checksum Response is: b'#OK>>:'

Looks like if I don't put a key in there, a default one is burnt for me. Since then, I did make a device on openhaystack, grab it's adv key and pass it in to and marked it as deployed. Assuming I did that all right, I'd assume I'd see that tag come online, but nope.

When I tried to use the adv key that was built from, IIRC, the didn't like the adv string.

biemster commented 12 months ago

That output looks right, so that's working! Do you have a bluetooth app like nRF Connect or something to check the advertisements around you? Also, what's the error when you try the adv key generated by the script?

gammadog808 commented 12 months ago

I don't, but I'll see if I can get one. As for the error, I don't have it - I think it was something along the line of the string is not valid, then it would default to the default key. Let me plug away a bit and see if I can gather more info. Thank you for the help!

biemster commented 12 months ago

nRF Connect is just an app on your phone, very useful for this kind of stuff. If the adv string is not valid, did you use the base64 string or the raw bytes? could you try with a different key?

gammadog808 commented 12 months ago

Biemster, Yup, I just pulled one off the app store. I see a ton of bluetooth devices(in the office) so it's hard for me to distinguish which might the tag. I don't see a field where his adv would be.

We got further, sorry the, "bad" key was because I was rushing and was using the hashed adv key. Now it seems ok. Now we run the report, but don't see it. So we're troubleshooting...edit, I think we got one working! It went alot smoother using a brand new one, maybe we bricked our test one as we've done so much to it.

Thank you!

danhuanggt commented 9 months ago

@gammadog808 I am also using the same CH340 flasher and I might be encountering the same issues you had on my Mac.

Do mind sharing which wires you connected on your CH340 to which pads on the ST17H66?

This is the output from terminal:

python3 Usage: Using default key instead Start of new ihex section found, assuming ER_ROM_XIP Start of new ihex section found, assuming JUMP_TABLE Start of new ihex section found, assuming ER_IROM1 b'\x03\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff8\x18' ... b'\x00\x008\x18\xff\x1f\xff\xff\xff\xff', len 304 sum 67861 b'\x88p' ... b'\x0c\x04' ... b'\x0c;' b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01E\xff\x1f Q' ... b'E^\x02\x11\xe8\x01\x18\x00\x00\x00', len 16160 sum 1385258 b'\x03\xb4\x01H\x01\x90\x01\xbd\xad\xae' ... b'\x01\x01\x01\x01\x03\x03\x02\x01\x03\x00', len 28808 sum 2778341 key: b'\x11"3DUfw\x88\x99\xaa\xbb\xcc\xdd\xef\xfe\xdd\xcc\xbb\xaa\x99\x88wfUD3"\x11' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/serial/", line 575, in read buf =, size - len(read)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ OSError: [Errno 6] Device not configured

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/.../.../.../FindMy/Lenze_ST17H66/", line 79, in res = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/serial/", line 581, in read raise SerialException('read failed: {}'.format(e)) serial.serialutil.SerialException: read failed: [Errno 6] Device not configured

biemster commented 9 months ago

@danhuanggt does your Mac have a /dev/ttyUSB0?

I kind of remember macOS using a different naming scheme for this, if so you should edit that line in the flasher.

danhuanggt commented 9 months ago

@danhuanggt does your Mac have a /dev/ttyUSB0?

I kind of remember macOS using a different naming scheme for this, if so you should edit that line in the flasher.

I am using /dev/tty.usbserial-1130, which is edited in the file. Also with a jumper between TXD and RXD with a simple PySerial script, I am able to output and confirm that the flasher works, but when I hook it up to the ST17H66 and try and run the actual flash script is when the above error occurs.

@biemster do you think it could be my CH340 UART? I do have a CP2102 I could try. Were you successful in using that particular UART?

biemster commented 9 months ago

It's definitely possible your CH340 is not able to provide enough power to flash the chip. When you put the st17h66 in programming mode it starts to consume several 100s milliamps for some reason, I had the same issue before with a PL2303: I had better luck with a CP2102 after that, so yes please try with that one.

gammadog808 commented 9 months ago

Dan, it's been a while, but I do know I had to use the 5v output, the 3.3v never worked for me.

danhuanggt commented 9 months ago

Update: So I've tried both the CH340 (running on 5v, thanks @gammadog808) and the CP2102, looks like I've gotten a bit further.

When I start the script I hear repeated light clicking, when I connect 3v3 shortly after, the clicking gets louder but the flashing stalls. During the script, whenever I touch 3v3, it outputs b'\x00', so I know the while not loop is still occurring.

Any ideas why it isn't reaching cmd>>:?

This is the latest output:

python3 Usage: Using default key instead Start of new ihex section found, assuming ER_ROM_XIP Start of new ihex section found, assuming JUMP_TABLE Start of new ihex section found, assuming ER_IROM1 b'\x03\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff8\x18' ... b'\x00\x008\x18\xff\x1f\xff\xff\xff\xff', len 304 sum 67861 b'\x88p' ... b'\x0c\x04' ... b'\x0c;' b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01E\xff\x1f Q' ... b'E^\x02\x11\xe8\x01\x18\x00\x00\x00', len 16160 sum 1385258 b'\x03\xb4\x01H\x01\x90\x01\xbd\xad\xae' ... b'\x01\x01\x01\x01\x03\x03\x02\x01\x03\x00', len 28808 sum 2778341 key: b'\x11"3DUfw\x88\x99\xaa\xbb\xcc\xdd\xef\xfe\xdd\xcc\xbb\xaa\x99\x88wfUD3"\x11' b'\x00' (everytime I reconnect 3v3) b'\x00' ...

biemster commented 9 months ago

Did you try it with tx and rx the other way around? Also for me it usually doesn't work on the first try, just cycle the power a few times. I have a loose dupont cable on the 3v3, press it in the breadboard to power the chip, and if I don't get cmd>>: I just take the dupont cable of and immediately try again. After a few tries it should work otherwise reverse tx and rx and repeat.

danhuanggt commented 9 months ago

Okay @biemster I will attempt that next. Could it also be that my IC chip isn't actually a ST17H66? The labeling is sanded off, but it matches a lot of the diagrams I see online. It also has a button, which I'm not sure if that makes any difference.

Here is how I am currently connected via the CP2102: 3v3 -> 3.3v+ GND -> GND TXD -> P9 RXD -> P10


My PCB in question: IMG_8820 IMG_8819

I'm a software guy by trade but hardware was my first love, so I apologize for all the clarifying questions -- Let me know if I should start another issue instead of continuing in this thread.

biemster commented 9 months ago

Yeah that's not a st17h66, but a clone. I got a few tags with them, and @agittins managed to actually flash one of them (, but I did not have time to try out mine yet. Good idea to follow up on that issue there indeed, and leave this closed. Please do post any further findings you have in that issue on the st17h66_RF repo, because it seems more and more tags have this chip so it would be nice to get it working! I'm going to actively research on this as well there. thanks!

biemster commented 9 months ago

just to close this side discussion, it was the tx and rx reversed ( Happens to me all the time as well.