biemster / FindMy

Query Apple's Find My network
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FindMy webserver #45

Open rkreutz opened 5 months ago

rkreutz commented 5 months ago

Hey there,

First of all, thanks for all the hard work you've been putting on this, much appreciated.

I was wondering if there is a readily available webserver which we could run on a docker container or something on a Linux server which could serve the reports from a REST API or similar?


biemster commented 5 months ago

There are a couple forks and projects based on this work, I do vaguely remember one with the description you gave as well. I'm planning of keeping a list of interesting projects that spun out of this, but I did not get to that yet. If you search through the closed issues and PRs you will likely find want you need though.

rkreutz commented 5 months ago

Went through closed issues and PRs but didn't find anything. Maybe it was in open haystack repo, will have a look there. Thanks

rkreutz commented 5 months ago

After going through the forks I found 2 that have implemented a webserver to serve the reports, though both store the tags private keys on the webserver which is not ideal