bifurcationkit / BifurcationKit.jl

A Julia package to perform Bifurcation Analysis
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[DOC] what is the expected output type for the Jacobian? #21

Closed Datseris closed 4 years ago

Datseris commented 4 years ago

Hi there,

I'm trying to come up with a simple example for the bifurcation of 1-dimensional system to contribute to the documentation, under guidance of @gszep . I have the example running, by altering the code , but there are some things that are not yet clear enough for me.

What I really want to know is what is the allowed return types for both the vector field f and the Jacobian. The code has:

Jac_m = (x, p) -> diagm(0 => 1.0  .- x.^k)

but it was confusing for me because when I tried other types of Jac_m I got errors (I am not reporting errors here until I first see what is the expected form of Jacobian). I also tried to use the output of ForwardDiff.jacobian, also getting errors.

So, can you please document somewhere centrally in the documentation what is the expected forms for f, J? Not only what are the input arguments, but what is the expected output. The documentation of e.g. does not discuss with clarity what J should be. There you can also provide tips and tricks, as e.g. the above usage of diagm is definitely something advanced for me, I would expected a 1-element matrix as return type in this example.

A comment on how the docstring is structured: it provides:

F = (x, p) -> F(x, p)

This, almost always, is invalid Julia code. If F is an existing function, here you are redefining it as an anonymous function F, and Julia will just error. It also doesn't highlight what is the return type of F, yet repeats what are the expected input arguments.

Why not consider replacing it with the more valid F(x,p)::AbstractVector, or simply explicitly write things out as e.g. "F is a function with input arguments (x, p) returning a vector r that represents the vector field of the dynamics".

Are static vectors supported?

rveltz commented 4 years ago


For F, it is like you said. "F is a function with input arguments (x, p) returning a vector r that represents the vector field of the dynamics and for type stability, the types of x and r should match".

For the jacobian J, it should be a function J(x,p) which returns a function taking one argument dx and returns dr of the same type of dx. It just happens that when J(x,p) returns a matrix, you can use it like J(x,p)(dx) and so the above works.

When J(x,p) is a fancy function, you can pass your own linear solver if you have a better one for your problem.

Jac_m = (x, p) -> diagm(0 => 1.0  .- x.^k)

This iterator docs, uses the above definition for the jacobian. It returns a diagonal matrix, as explained above.

For the use or ForwardDiff, please check the docs online, it has been used many times in the tutorials either in the matrix way or functions.

For static vectors, I have not tried and it is unlikely to work I would guess. For example, this line would break. This could be corrected by specializing the methods BorderedArrays.jl of to static arrays.

I will modify the docs with your suggestions. Thank you for opening this issue.

Datseris commented 4 years ago

For the jacobian J, it should be a function J(x,p) which returns a function taking one argument dx and returns dr of the same type of dx. It just happens that when J(x,p) returns a matrix, you can use it like J(x,p)(dx) and so the above works.

I don't understand this at all :( What is Jacobian for you? I recall that Jacobian is the derivative of the vector field F towards each of the variables, like so:


In our discussion so far, only two things exist: x, p. The Jacobian is derivatives of F towards x. What is r? What is dx and what is dr?

There is another problem: Jac_m = (x, p) -> diagm(0 => 1.0 .- x.^k) is not a function that returns a function. It is a function that returns a matrix.

I also don't understand

It just happens that when J(x,p) returns a matrix, you can use it like J(x,p)(dx)

rand(10,10)(whatever_argument) errors because matrices are not callable in Julia...

rveltz commented 4 years ago

I was wrong!

The jacobian object is used for 2 things

  1. solve J * dx = dy in dx given dy (basically in Newton)
  2. compute the eigenvalues of J (for bifurcation detection)

For example, the first part is done in the default linear solver implemented as callable struct DefaultLS which itself calls \.

Thus, 2 cases are allowed:

Datseris commented 4 years ago


Alright, but then, for the first case, shouldn't in-place versions be much more performant? I.e. a function

Jacobian!(J, x, p)

that updates an existing matrix J in-place? We have such versions in both DifferentialEquations.jl as well as DynamicalSystems.jl

rveltz commented 4 years ago

Probably but for the matrix-free case, it should not matter much as you have to build a Krylov space anyway: this is the usual bottleneck for the continuation.

Now I can put everything inplace for the jacobian solver without breaking much in the package.

Datseris commented 4 years ago

I am thinking of making an interface from DynamicalSystems.jl to BifurcationKit.jl, because there for any DynamicalSystem, we anyways create a Jacobian for all systems using ForwardDiff (if the user doesn't provide a manual one, fastest version). But if you have a look at system creation


It seems that at the moment neither of the two approaches would work here. Thus, if any of these two Jacobian forms became possible here, please do tag me! Such an interface would be very helpful, given how well bifurcation analysis ties in with dynamical systems theory. Even though the main goal of this package is PDEs, nothing stops us from using it for ODEs as well!

rveltz commented 4 years ago

I just corrected the docs of newton and continuation and hope it makes things clearer.

What is n in jacobian(x,p,n)?

I dont understand why it wouldnot work

Datseris commented 4 years ago

n is just the step number, which is not used in BifurcationKit.jl, because it is assumed explicitly that no time dependence exists (which is fine).

It won't work because the out of place version returns a static matrix (performance gains) instead of Matrix. On the other hand, the in place version, that uses Matrix, doesn't have the syntax you expect.

rveltz commented 4 years ago

Coming back to this. Can't you do something along the lines of:

const Jnew = 1 #put something meaningfull

res = newton(F, (x,p) -> (jacobian!(Jnew, x, p, 0); Jnew), ...)
Datseris commented 4 years ago

Indeed! Since I anyways have to make a transformation to drop the t argument, then I can do this directly.

rveltz commented 4 years ago

Can we close this issue?

Datseris commented 4 years ago

Yeap! If I have other doc questions or suggestions I'll open new issues!

rveltz commented 4 years ago
