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docker swarm cluster can't connect datanode 9866 port #46

Open lgy78614 opened 5 years ago

lgy78614 commented 5 years ago

I have set up docker swarm cluster , use the following configuration file to deploy hdfs cluster on the overlay network named test in my swarm cluster . version: '3' services: namenode: image: bde2020/hadoop-namenode:2.0.0-hadoop3.1.2-java8 volumes:

networks: hbase: external: name: test

I can see registed datanode from namenode web ui after successful deployment, but the datanode hostname and ip don't match.And i can't access datanode 9866 port through the datanode ip,but i can access it via datanode hostname. Can you tell me why and give me a hand?Thank you!

ktpktr0 commented 4 years ago

The IP of the datanode in the HDFS dfsadmin -report does not match the container IP of the actual datanode?