bigbigmdm / IMSProg

IMSProg - software for CH341A-based programmers to work with I2C, SPI and MicroWire EEPROM/Flash chips
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Issue with translation #80

Closed giovanni69 closed 1 month ago

giovanni69 commented 2 months ago


Arch Linux


64 bit

Kernel version

6.8.7 from Arch Linux

IMSProg version


Bug description

Open dialogSFDP. The translation is perfect. If you click on Read or on Write registers, part of the translation reverts to English (see Legend area). I am sending the two pictures to give you a better idea.



Steps to reproduce

No response

Expected behavior

No response

Additional information

No response

bigbigmdm commented 2 months ago

@giovanni69, Ok. Thank you! I just found a bug on this form - incorrect stretching of elements. Fixing it.

giovanni69 commented 2 months ago

Have you fixed the bug I reported?

bigbigmdm commented 2 months ago

I just found it - dialpgsfdp.cpp line 54. I'll fix it tomorrow.

bigbigmdm commented 2 months ago

@giovanni69 , I fixed it! Please test the new version.

giovanni69 commented 2 months ago

I will test it shortly and let you know.

giovanni69 commented 2 months ago

@giovanni69 , I fixed it! Please test the new version.

OK, it works perfectly now. Bug fixed.

bigbigmdm commented 2 months ago

@giovanni69 thanks for the quick testing! I'm publishing a new release with the tag v1.3.7.

giovanni69 commented 2 months ago

Yes, I noticed from your previous commits.

giovanni69 commented 2 months ago

You can close this issue.

bigbigmdm commented 2 months ago


bigbigmdm commented 2 months ago

@giovanni69 , I forgot to translate the bash script of chip database update. Please help me: I need to translate lines number 44 - 47 of the file IMSProg_database_update.

giovanni69 commented 2 months ago


bigbigmdm commented 2 months ago

@giovanni69 , Thank you!

giovanni69 commented 2 months ago

I noticed that some fields in the editor are not translated:

Sector size Type HEX 4 bit address

Maybe you have to enter them in the translation? I am sending you a screenshot.


bigbigmdm commented 2 months ago

@giovanni69 yes, they need to be translated.

giovanni69 commented 2 months ago

@bigbigmdm let me know which file contains those untranslated words.

bigbigmdm commented 2 months ago

@giovanni69 , these words are in the file /IMSProg_editor/ezp_chip_editor.cpp, line numbers: 80 - 92 Translations are available in the file /IMSProg_editor/language/chipEditor_it_IT.ts.

giovanni69 commented 2 months ago

@bigbigmdm I just checked and those words had already been translated. I don't understand why they are not displayed in Italian.

bigbigmdm commented 2 months ago

Oh, I'm sorry! I have two issues at once. Maybe I found it:

line 89 ezp_chip_editor.cpp -> " horizontalHeader.append(tr("4 bit\naddress"));"
line 201 - 202 /chipEditor_it_IT.ts-> "         <source>4 bits
bigbigmdm commented 2 months ago

@giovanni69 , I have updated the language files for chipEditor.

giovanni69 commented 2 months ago

@bigbigmdm Done!

bigbigmdm commented 2 months ago

@giovanni69 , Thanks! I compiled also the .qm file.

giovanni69 commented 2 months ago

@bigbigmdm Yes, I have seen the commit. Thanks!

giovanni69 commented 2 months ago

@bigbigmdm can 'No' and 'Yes' that you see in this screenshot also be translated?


bigbigmdm commented 2 months ago

@giovanni69 I am using the Zenity library to display this message. I don't know how I can translate these messages. In my language this dialogue also looks like yes and no.

giovanni69 commented 2 months ago

@bigbigmdm OK, fine, however it would be interesting to be able to translate 'No' and 'Yes' as well.

bigbigmdm commented 2 months ago

@giovanni69 This is interesting: zenity --calendar on my computer translated the names of these buttons.

giovanni69 commented 2 months ago

@bigbigmdm Unfortunately, I would not know how to help you. If you can translate those words, let me know so we can update the translation.

bigbigmdm commented 2 months ago

@giovanni69 , Please delete the line number 64 and run the script!

bigbigmdm commented 2 months ago


giovanni69 commented 2 months ago

@bigbigmdm Yes, done, by deleting the line number 64, I see the words 'No' and 'Yes' translated to the Italian language.

bigbigmdm commented 2 months ago

@giovanni69 , good afternoon! I have added the appstream metadata files to the project:

giovanni69 commented 2 months ago


bigbigmdm commented 2 months ago

@giovanni69 , thank you!

bigbigmdm commented 2 months ago

@blackPantherOS , good afternoon! Since your participation in the project, the IMSProg programme has been further developed. Could you please re-correct the translations of the following files?

blackPantherOS commented 2 months ago

@blackPantherOS , good afternoon! Since your participation in the project, the IMSProg programme has been further developed. Could you please re-correct the translations of the following files?

I looked at the strings and didn't see an untranslated new rows these files.

bigbigmdm commented 2 months ago

@blackPantherOS , sorry, I was inaccurate. All new phrases are automatic translations using the DEEPL online translator. These phrases may need translation corrections.