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LFQ experiment lost technical repetitions in feature.parquet #41

Closed WangHong007 closed 1 month ago

WangHong007 commented 2 months ago

run: The column stores IDs of mass spectrometry runs for LFQ experiments e.g. 1. For TMT/iTRAQ experiments, it is a identifier of mixture combined with technical replicate and fractions {mixture}_{technicalreplicate}{fraction} e.g. 1_2_3 -> string

@ypriverol Compared to the TMT experiment, the LFQ experiment lost information about the technical repetitions, and its run column was just a simple count against mass spectrum files. However, this would seem to implement definitions such as {technical_replicate}_{fraction} when merging SDRF.

ypriverol commented 1 month ago

This has been fixed.