Since 2.2.31 update on my server, the turnserver is not running.
First I found a hint in Coturn - without cli-password turnserver refuses to start. ERROR: Please set a non empty cli-password...
Audio is running - but still no video. WebRTC:
STUN-CLIENT(relay(IP4:|xxx.xx:443)::TURN): Timed out
TURN(relay(IP4:|xxx.xx:443)): mode 20, nr_turn_client_error_cb
TURN(relay(IP4:|xxx.xx:443)) failed
TURN(relay(IP4:|xxx.xx:443)): cancelling
ICE-CANDIDATE(relay(IP4:|xxx.xx:443)): nr_turn_allocated_cb called with state 4
ICE-CANDIDATE(relay(IP4:|xxx.xx:443)): nr_turn_allocated_cb failed
ICE(PC:1610653755550309 (id=10737418259 url=https://xxx.xx/html5client/join?sessionToken=zgpbl00m2upawtfi))/CAND(relay(IP4:| failed to initialize, 7 remaining
Since 2.2.31 update on my server, the turnserver is not running. First I found a hint in Coturn - without cli-password turnserver refuses to start. ERROR: Please set a non empty cli-password... Audio is running - but still no video. WebRTC: STUN-CLIENT(relay(IP4:|xxx.xx:443)::TURN): Timed out TURN(relay(IP4:|xxx.xx:443)): mode 20, nr_turn_client_error_cb TURN(relay(IP4:|xxx.xx:443)) failed TURN(relay(IP4:|xxx.xx:443)): cancelling ICE-CANDIDATE(relay(IP4:|xxx.xx:443)): nr_turn_allocated_cb called with state 4 ICE-CANDIDATE(relay(IP4:|xxx.xx:443)): nr_turn_allocated_cb failed ICE(PC:1610653755550309 (id=10737418259 url=https://xxx.xx/html5client/join?sessionToken=zgpbl00m2upawtfi))/CAND(relay(IP4:| failed to initialize, 7 remaining