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Copy or Move class recording between rooms. #17875

Closed greenycat closed 1 week ago

greenycat commented 1 year ago

A good feature for re-organizing recorded material and supposed to be easy to implement.


  1. Some classes may be quite successful, or cannot be repeated bc some participants may not be invited again.
  2. Sometimes I need to do recording in private room, so no one will interfere, but to post with all classes in dedicated room.
  3. A class may not take place due to some issues, but appended recording from another room would be at least some solution.

Expected enhancement: In recording options, together with delete/mail recording consider adding "Move to..." & "Copy to..." and a list of manageble rooms by user in popup. It should be similar popup by design as "Manage access" for rooms.

stale[bot] commented 3 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.