bigbluebutton / docker

Docker files for BigBlueButton
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Check BigBlueButton Endpoint and Secret #149

Open Muller7777 opened 2 years ago

Muller7777 commented 2 years ago

after installing on a full Debian 10 virtual machine, I get the error Check BigBlueButton Endpoint and Secret then I do mkdir ~ / greenlight && cd ~ / greenlight docker run --rm bigbluebutton / greenlight: v2 cat ./sample.env> .env docker run --rm bigbluebutton / greenlight: v2 bundle exec rake secret insert this key SECRET_KEY_BASE on command sudo bbb-conf --secret there is no such command maybe in the docker version of BBB it needs to be done differently

ZelphirKaltstahl commented 2 years ago

I am interested in how to solve this problem as well.

In which container does bbb-conf --secret need to be run? I cannot find any documentation about it in the docker scenario. Can I manually adapt any files to make it work?

$ ~/bbb-docker # docker ps -a | grep green
e77a0475abfa   bigbluebutton/greenlight:v2         "bin/start"              About an hour ago   Up About an hour     >80/tcp      bbb-docker_greenlight_1
$ ~/bbb-docker # docker exec -it bbb-docker_greenlight_1  bash
bash-5.1# bbb-conf --secret
bash: bbb-conf: command not found
ZelphirKaltstahl commented 2 years ago

I have created a fresh installation using docker on a server and I see this:


When I click on the "Learn More" link, I am directed to with no idea where to run the commands mentioned on that page.

I guessed various containers, but to no avail:

docker exec -it bbb-docker_greenlight_1  bash
docker exec -it bbb-docker_kurento_1 bash
docker exec -it bbb-docker_freeswitch_1 bash
docker exec -it bbb-docker_greenlight_1  bash
docker exec -it bbb-docker_html5-backend-2_1  sh
docker exec -it bbb-docker_bbb-web_1 bash

In none of these the command is available.

cperezln commented 2 years ago

I am facing the same problem. Are there any ways to solve it?

ZelphirKaltstahl commented 2 years ago

@cperezln I have more or less given up on getting it to work properly and lost motivation to spend more time setting things up. I don't have the solution. What I remember is, that on some other issue someone mentioned, that in the docker-compose setup it works differently than in the normal setup.

umer60 commented 2 years ago

I have also the same issue listed below any help on this please :


When I click on the "Learn More" link, I am directed to with no idea where to run the commands mentioned on that page.

I guessed various containers, but to no avail:

docker exec -it bbb-docker_greenlight_1 bash docker exec -it bbb-docker_kurento_1 bash docker exec -it bbb-docker_freeswitch_1 bash docker exec -it bbb-docker_greenlight_1 bash docker exec -it bbb-docker_html5-backend-2_1 sh docker exec -it bbb-docker_bbb-web_1 bash In none of these the command is available.

ZelphirKaltstahl commented 2 years ago

I think the problem here is ultimately the following:

To create a working setup guide for Docker, it requires a person with in-depth knowledge about the project and the architecture, who knows what calls what and understands what does what. Some people can maybe get past one bug or problem, but hit the next one. It is not a sustainable practice to go on like that. I personally don't even understand what does what and thus I am far from being able to dockerize this thing myself. Otherwise I would have done so, and without docker-compose at that. When reading about what the parts do, I read more things, that I do not understand and the rabbit hole goes ever deeper.

Few people nowadays want to put a system consisting of so many moving parts on a bare server. Maybe in VM. People would like to run this stuff isolated, so that they do not have to clean up so much or even reinstall, if they later notice, that it is not for them. That there is no containerized setup, which properly works, will hinder adoption of the project.

If any very knowledgeable maintainer reads this: Please consider creating such a setup, or somehow writing a documentation, which is understandable without lots of background knowledge, which the average software developer or dev ops doesn't have. If this is possible. It would really benefit this project a lot. As it stands right now, it is all in BBB or nothing. You have to dedicate a whole server to BBB basically, because it does not run isolated in the containerized setup. I've tried that, but still ran into inexplicable networking issues.

ffdixon commented 2 years ago

Please consider creating such a setup, or somehow writing a documentation, which is understandable without lots of background knowledge,

You are going to need to give yourself time to understand how docker, networking, and BigBlueButton work and work together to setup a server in Docker. Each of these concepts are well explained elsewhere, and the BigBlueButton docker builds upon theses components.

The community around the BigBlueButton Docker project can help when you get stuck -- and would welcome contributions for improving the docs as well.

We, of course, want to make it as easy as possible to setup BigBlueButton, but if you use Docker, you'll need to understand how Docker works. There is an end to the rabbit hole -- you just need to dive in!

ZelphirKaltstahl commented 2 years ago

The thing is, I know how to use docker and use it daily. It is just that there is loads of stuff in BBB, that I am not familiar with. But I personally am not important for this matter. I personally have given up setting BBB up properly using the docker repo. I stopped renting the server, on which I was trying to run it, because I gave up and did not see any use in keeping renting the server. Could I have invested more time? Surely! And maybe I would have had some success at some point (at what time investment though?).

However, I am just one sample of a random person out there, who does not want to spend too much time on this. If I wasn't doing this in my free time, things might be different. I do remember though, that I felt overwhelmed by how much stuff there is to BBB and not really understanding what everything does. Maybe I will give it another shot in the future at some point.

I know it can be hard to maintain such a big project or to write an easy to understand documentation. Not saying it is easy : )

ffdixon commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback -- we can always have better docs. Do give it another shot in the future!

mathben commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem. I already install BBB with docker-compose 1-2 years ago with this solution and it works : I try to understand what I did differently, did you succeed @ZelphirKaltstahl ?

Edit : They SHARED_SECRET and RAILS_SECRET is set in .env correctly Into docker-compose.yml, into greenlight, the BIGBLUEBUTTON_SECRET use SHARED_SECRET, and SECRET_KEY_BASE use RAILS_SECRET. Edit 2 : I reinstall it in new environment and it works.

ZelphirKaltstahl commented 1 year ago

@mathben Sorry, I gave up. It was too much fiddling around for me. Currently not renting a server to try it again and currently not motivated to do so. Maybe one day in the future I will set up BBB again and all this will (hopefully) just work.

lightweight commented 1 year ago

I fixed the 'invalid BigBlueButton and Secret' issue by ensuring that the domain name of my BBB instance was explicitly associated with my external IP in the /etc/hosts file of the Docker host. (e.g. sudo nano /etc/hosts and create a line like

[myExternalIP] bbb.instance.domain 

And save it. Ensure that the Greenlight container gets the external IP rather than (which is what some VPS hosts assign automatically to the domain name of a new VPS) by going into dir containing your docker-compose.yml file and running docker-compose exec greenlight ping [bbb.instance.domain] - it should be the external IP of the instance, not

Note, you could also add a extra_hosts stanza in the docker-compose.yml section for greenlight, e.g.

    - "bbb.instance.domain:[myExternalIP]"

Hope that helps someone.

ben-ba commented 9 months ago

bbb-conf is a shell script, and not available for the docker implementation. Your secrets are inside the .env

grep SECRETS .env -A 8

would print all your secrets

> #  ================================
> # important! change these to any random values
> SHARED_SECRET=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ETHERPAD_API_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> RAILS_SECRET=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> POSTGRESQL_SECRET=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> FSESL_PASSWORD=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx