bigbn / drop-down-terminal-x

Drop Down Terminal X extension for the Gnome Shell
GNU General Public License v3.0
92 stars 9 forks source link

Is it possible to lighten the blue in palette? #58

Closed tuberry closed 4 years ago

tuberry commented 4 years ago


bigbn commented 4 years ago

zzrough/gs-extensions-drop-down-terminal#57 related

bigbn commented 4 years ago

As temporary solution to fix at least ls command you can set custom colors for it by dircolors:

dircolors -p > ~/.dircolors
sed -i "s/^DIR.*$/DIR 01;36/" ~/.dircolors
echo 'eval $(dircolors .dircolors)' >> .bashrc


bigbn commented 4 years ago - also related

tuberry commented 4 years ago

Thanks, that looks much better.