bigcartel / dugway

Easily build and test Big Cartel themes.
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Is is possible to use susy framework within dugway ? #149

Open primerproyecto opened 7 years ago

primerproyecto commented 7 years ago

It will be great if i could use susy grid in dugway. It works perfect with compass right out of the box so it should be possible to impot susy framework aswell.

After downloading susy files in stylesheet directory, i did the include at my custon.css.scss file as i did for compass but it doesn't work this time. The compilation seens to break the final compiled css file.

@import "compass";
@import "susy";

I included the susy files in theme.css aswell

 *= require_directory ./stylesheets/vendor
 *= require stylesheets/susy-master/sass/susy
 *= require stylesheets/tuna
 *= require stylesheets/layout
 *= require stylesheets/products
 *= require stylesheets/product
 *= require stylesheets/cart

Any help will be appreciate.

nickendle commented 7 years ago

@primerproyecto sorry for the trouble with this - can you provide more specific details on any errors you're seeing? does your theme run in Dugway, or does it only break when you run the build command?

tasinttttttt commented 7 years ago

Same here, once susy is included in theme.css with *= require_directory ./stylesheets/susy, I get found in chrome dev tools. I imagine theme.css is not compiled. Anyone knows if there's a debug mode within dugway ?