bigchaindb / js-bigchaindb-driver

Official BigchainDB JavaScript driver for Node.js and the browser
Apache License 2.0
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Internal server error #305

Closed DkReactNative closed 3 years ago

DkReactNative commented 3 years ago

Hello,Could you help me to fix this issue? I try to connect BigChainDb through nodejs sdk but while try to make a transaction getting this error

{   message: 'HTTP Error: Requested page not reachable',   status: '500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR',   requestURI: 'http://localhost:9984/api/v1/transactions?mode=commit' }

this is my code

const http = require("http");

const driver = require('bigchaindb-driver');

const base58 = require('bs58');

const { Ed25519Sha256 } = require('crypto-conditions'); // BigchainDB server instance (e.g. const API_PATH = 'http://localhost:9984/api/v1/'   // Create a new keypair. const alice = new driver.Ed25519Keypair()

// Construct a transaction payload const tx = driver.Transaction.makeCreateTransaction(     // Define the asset to store, in this example it is the current temperature     // (in Celsius) for the city of Berlin.     { city: 'Berlin, DE', temperature: 22, datetime: new Date().toString() },

    // Metadata contains information about the transaction itself     // (can be null if not needed)     { what: 'My first BigchainDB transaction' },

    // A transaction needs an output     [ driver.Transaction.makeOutput(             driver.Transaction.makeEd25519Condition(alice.publicKey))     ],     alice.publicKey )

// Sign the transaction with private keys const txSigned = driver.Transaction.signTransaction(tx, alice.privateKey)

console.log(txSigned) // Send the transaction off to BigchainDB const conn = new driver.Connection(API_PATH) console.log(conn) conn.postTransactionCommit(txSigned)     .then(retrievedTx => console.log('Transaction',, 'successfully posted.')).catch(err=>{       console.log(err)     });

http   .createServer(function (req, res) {     console.log("8081");   })   .listen(8081);

DkReactNative commented 3 years ago

I resolved this error . the reason of the error is tendermint server is not started bigchaindb need tendermint for validate the data