bigcommerce / bigcommerce-api-php

Connect PHP applications with the Bigcommerce Platform
MIT License
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Customer create, read and update functions throws errors #223

Open jofomah opened 6 years ago

jofomah commented 6 years ago

Expected behavior

getCustomers(), getCustomer(customer_id) etc should return appropriate result.

Actual behavior

These throws Bigcommerce/Api/Error see full error stack below:

PHP Error:  Wrong parameters for Bigcommerce/Api/ClientError([string $message [, long $code [, Throwable $previous = NULL]]]) in /home/jofomah/brandlabs/bigcommerce-spire-sync/vendor/bigcommerce/api/src/Bigcommerce/Api/Error.php on line 16

Steps to reproduce behavior

  1. use Bigcommerce\Api\Client as Bigcommerce;
  2. call any of Bigcommerce::getCustomer(1); or Bigcommerce::getCustomers();

Note: other resources such as products, orders e.g Bigcommerce::getOrder(order_id);, Bigcommerce::getOrders(); are working as expected.

akowalz commented 5 years ago

@jofomah what was the resolution here? Is this fixed in a later version of the plugin?